春运来临,人们出行频率大大增加,应该选择相对安全的客运车辆乘坐,并做到“四不坐”,避免交通意外。 一是不乘坐无临检合格证的客车(临检合格证张贴在前方挡风玻璃处)。春运期间,凡9座以上从事客运的车辆及其驾驶员都须由公安交警进行检审,合格的才发给临检合格证。因此,乘车时应注意该车有否合格证。 二是不乘坐非客运车辆。春运期间,有些驾驶员擅自将厢农、拖拉机等货运车辆改装改型,上路载客赚昧心钱。由于非客运车辆的技术参数不
Spring Festival approaching, people travel frequency increased greatly, you should choose relatively safe passenger vehicles ride, and do “four do not sit” to avoid traffic accidents. First, do not take the bus without a temporary certificate (provisional certificate posted in front of the windshield). During the Spring Festival, where more than 9 vehicles engaged in passenger vehicles and their drivers must be reviewed by the police traffic police, issued a qualified certificate of temporary inspection. Therefore, the car should pay attention to whether the car certificate. Second, do not take non-passenger vehicles. During the Spring Festival, some pilots unauthorized conversion of cargo vehicles such as carcasses and tractors to make passengers feel relieved on the road. Due to the technical parameters of non-passenger vehicles not