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  2013年9月27日,连战先生出席在连横纪念馆举行的“《台湾通史》研讨会暨连震东与台湾知识分子抗日活动展”开幕式。虽然已是9月末,杭州的天气依然炎热,连先生西装笔挺,兴致勃勃地作了一个多小时的演讲,而且全程脱稿,出口成章、广征博引,让我实在佩服。   相隔4年,2017年5月連先生第8次访问连横纪念馆。
  As an employee of Lien Heng Memorial Museum situated at Agate Temple on the West Lake, I am under the impression that Lien Chan is a gentleman. He is grandson of Lien Heng. He has visited his grandfather’s memorial museum in Hangzhou nine times. He has toured the mainland 19 times.
  Lien Heng (1878-1936), a native of Taiwan, visited the mainland six times during his lifetime. In 1912 and 1926, he visited Hangzhou respectively. The trip to the mainland in 1912 was his fourth. The scholar was collecting reference materials and doing research for writing the . It was this year that the emperor of the Qing was dethroned and the Republic of China was born. The 35-year-old Lien Heng first traveled by ship to Kobe, Japan from Taiwan and then came to Shanghai. The next day, he traveled by train to Hangzhou to see the poetic beauty of the West Lake which he had read so much about. He did sightseeing in Hangzhou for three days and wrote four poems. Asked why he wrote so few even though he had said he would write 100, he explained that he changed his mind for fear that his poor poetry might ruin the beauty of the lake. In one of the four poems, he expressed the wish to live in Hangzhou.
  In the spring of 1926, Lien Heng came again. By this time he had already finished the ambitious book project. He brought his wife and their daughter to Hangzhou and chose to stay at Agate Temple at the foot of Gem Hill on the southern shore of the lake. In the summer of 1926, his son Lien Zhendong joined them in his summer break from studies in Tokyo. Lien Heng happily took the whole family on a lake tour and served as a guide. The daughter started going to a local school in September. In the fall and winter, Lien Heng wrote poems and edited his manuscripts. However, the life in Hangzhou for the family ended in January 1927 when Northern Expedition army approached Zhejiang from Jiangxi Province. As the war brought uncertainties and chaos, Lien Heng returned to Taipei with the family.
  Lien Chan first visited Agate Temple on April 22, 2006. After learning that the temple was just at a stone’s throw from the hotel where he was staying, Lien and his wife Lien Fang Yu decided to visit the temple immediately. The couple went through the spacious compound slowly. Standing under the towering camphor tree which was more than 160 years old, Lien excitedly stated that the four generations of the Lien family had enjoyed the coolness under the tree and that he was happy to follow his ancestors’ footsteps to this temple after a hiatus of 80 years. On the spot, he inscribed a memorial couplet to mark the couple’s visit.   It was during this visit to the temple that Lien Chan praised the well-preserved architecture of the temple and proposed to turn the site into a platform for cultural exchanges of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. The government officials of Zhejiang Province and Hangzhou City responded warmly there and then to the proposal.
  With preparations over two years, Lien Heng Memorial Museum situated at Agate Temple, the first of its kind on the mainland, opened its door to the general public on December 18, 2008. Though called Lien Heng Memorial Museum, only one exhibition room is dedicated to the memory of Lien Heng. The other six rooms are about Taiwan’s geography, history, culture, traditional and modern arts and crafts, as well as exchange activities across the Taiwan Strait. The museum serves as a platform for people to better understand Taiwan.
  On December 18, 2008, Lien Chan was at the unveiling ceremony. So were some national government officials such as Chen Yunlin, then president of the Association for Relations across the Taiwan Strait, and Wang Yi, then director of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and now State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  It was the first time I saw Lien Chan. A tall man full of spirits, he looked like Jin Yong (Louis Cha, China’s most popular kungfu novelist). I was deeply impressed that Lien and his wife held hands while walking around.
  I met with Lien Chan again in November 2009 when I visited Taiwan with my colleagues at the museum at the invitation of a policy study foundation in Taiwan. The 8-day visited lasted from November 19 to 26. In the evening of November 19, we were treated to a banquet. Lien and his wife chatted with us narrators at the museum.
  On September 27, 2013, Lien Chan came to attend the opening ceremony of the seminar on Lien Zhendong and Other Taiwan Intellectuals’ Resistance Activities against Japanese Aggression. Lien Chan spoke for more an hour at the opening ceremony, without a script. I was deeply impressed by his fluency and profound knowledge.
  To prepare for Lien’s eighth visit to the museum in May 2017, I scrapped the previous narration and redesigned the visit route and wrote a new script for a new tour of the museum. The new script and route were designed in response to changes that had occurred in the museum and to emphasize the influence of the .
  Lien Chan visited the mainland in 2018, a trip dubbed as an ice-breaking by some media. As a politician, Lien Chan has done a lot to promote the exchanges across the Taiwan Strait. In my eyes, he is kind to all of us working at the museum.
青山周平,一个在中国做建筑的日本设计师。  他在微博上拥有41万粉丝,这个数字在向来低调的建筑圈可以说相当惊人。如果以“建筑师”作为标签搜索,他可能是粉丝最多的一位。  有人喜欢他,是因为高颜值——撞脸各种明星,有人说他是“装修界的小栗旬”“日本霍建华”……更多人是因为他的才华——他设计的每一件建筑作品,几乎都是当地文艺青年签到打卡发朋友圈的必到之地。  秋天刚要开始的时候,青山周平来到杭州,在浙
9月16日至17日,中國近代文献保护工程推进仪式暨学术研讨会在绍兴举行,150余名来自学术界、出版界和图书馆藏界的专家学者齐聚绍兴,为绍兴出版《中国近代文献史丛》这部系统性、完整性、权威性的近代文献典籍丛书出谋划策,围绕中国近代文献保护工作展开了深度探讨。  原国家新闻出版总署署长、党组书记,中国出版协会理事长柳斌杰先生对这场“聚会”感触颇深。对这座古城孕育这一“念旧”又“新生”的工程,他说,要感
浙江大学电气工程学院“致远”计划的同学们,今年夏天组成了“讲好中国故事,传播中国声音”暑期社会实践团,奔赴“一带一路”重要节点国家塞尔维亚,开展了为期一个月的实践活动。在贝尔格莱德街头的采访  八月的塞尔维亚晴朗而干燥,湛蓝的天空没有一丝浮云,一大早,夺目的阳光就把贝城里外照了个通透。位于多瑙河南岸、萨瓦河东岸的贝城老区面积不大,特斯拉博物馆、旧街、共和国广场等历史地标分布集中。社会实践团成员们选
换上笔挺的白色厨服,系上黑色的围布,带上黑色的厨帽,体会白糖、面粉在指尖轻柔地舞蹈,最后幻化成一道道精致的甜点……几乎每位从“星曜堂”毕业的学员,都会在自己的朋友圈感慨:这样的经历“好幸福”。  “星曜堂”全名为星曜堂国际厨艺学院,由杭州萃品荟教育咨询有限公司创办,主打法式西点和法式料理的培训,在烘培爱好者中很是受捧。还有一些学员“打飞的”从外地赶来上课,甚至西式甜点网红“子瑜妈妈”也来进修上课。