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一、前言 飞蝗在广西的为害,文献上早有记载:1191年(横县),1513年(玉林、北流),1517年(邕宁),1833年(贵县、玉林、北流、罗城),1834年(玉林、北流、陆川、罗城),1835年(玉林、罗城),1837年(北流),1840年(合浦),1843年(北流),1848年(贵县),1852年及1853年(贵县、玉林等县),1910年(合浦)由于都是记载在地方县志上,具体发生为害情况无从了解,但从记述的事迹,多为旱年的春、秋两季发生为害。解放后,记载的是1955年曾在柳江、柳城、贵县等部分地区大发生为害,单贵县西江农场被害的水稻达一万多亩,损失稻谷二百多万斤。1963年发生的范围则比1955年大,分布在邕宁、宁明、扶绥、武鸣、崇左、贵县、宾阳、百色、平果、柳州市等十六个县市局部地区,总面积达357,993亩,其中作物受害面积达205,081亩,防治面积195,082亩。主要受害作物为玉米、甘蔗、水稻、高粱等,如来宾县蒙村区碑头公社中垌村200亩玉米被吃光后重新播种。 为了进一步明确广西飞蝗大发生的原因,我们于 First, the preface Locusts in Guangxi damage, the literature has long been documented: 1191 (Heng County), 1513 (Yulin, Beiliu), 1517 (Suining), 1833 (Guixian, Yulin, Beiliu, Lucheng), 1834 (Yulin, Beiliu, Luchuan and Luocheng), 1835 (Yulin, Luocheng), 1837 (Beiliu), 1840 (Hepu), 1843 (Beiliu), 1848 Gui County), 1852 and 1853 (Guixian, Yulin counties), 1910 (Hepu) are recorded in the local county, the specific circumstances of the victims do not know, but from the deeds recorded, mostly dry years Harmful in spring and autumn. After the liberation, it was documented that major damage occurred in parts of Liujiang, Liucheng and Guixian in 1955. The rice damaged in the Xijiang Farm in Shanui County amounted to more than 10,000 mu and lost more than 2 million kilograms of paddy. The area that occurred in 1963 was larger than that in 1955 and was distributed in some 16 counties and cities such as Suining, Ningming, Fusui, Wuming, Chongzuo, Guixian, Binyang, Baise, Pingguo and Liuzhou. The total area is 357,993 mu, of which 205,081 mu are crop damage and 195,082 mu are control areas. The main crops are corn, sugar cane, rice, sorghum and other crops. For example, 200 mu of corn in Chungli Village, Beitou commune, Mengcun District, Laibin County, is eaten and replanted. In order to further clarify the reasons for the occurrence of migratory locust in Guangxi, we at
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一、防止人为传播病虫害 植物检疫也是人类和农作物病虫害作斗争的方法之一,这种方法是防止人为地传播病虫害,有些危险性病虫害常混杂在种子、苗木里[1],随着调运而传开。