Deoxy-nucleotides deaminase (dCMP-deaminase) is reported to be a sensitive indicator of preeclampsia and serum dCMP deaminase activity is elevated prior to hypertension and its activity is correlated with preeclampsia But this enzyme is quite unstable and must be activated by magnesium ions, the determination of the method is also more complex, so there are some difficulties in the large-scale use of this paper recommended to measure serum cytosine deaminase in place of dCMP deamination The authors measured cytosine deaminase activity in 30 normal adult men and 30 non-pregnant adult women at 2.7 ± 0.6 units and 2.7 ± 0.65 units, respectively. In addition, 1,305 normal pregnant women with serum cytosine Nucleotide deaminase and serum dCMP deaminase activity