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  第一部分:听力部分 (15分)
  听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(5分)
  1. What will the man do first?
   A. Go to New York.       B. Meet the woman. C. Go to Washington D.C.
  2. What would the two speakers probably do first?
   A. Give mum a call.               B. Visit mum.            C. Leave at once.
  3. What is the man probably doing?
   A. Celebrating the Teachers’ Day.
   B. Looking for something as a gift for his teacher.
   C. Giving the gift to his teacher.
  4. What does the man intend to do?
   A. Buy a coat.                    B. Try on a new coat.    C. Lend money to the woman.
  5. What will the man do first tomorrow?
   A. Go to the laundry.           B. Visit his friend.          C. Do some shopping.
  听下面两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(5分)
  6. Where does the man like to stay?
   A. In a hotel.                      B. In a flat with others.  C. In a house with a family.
  7. Why doesn’t the man like to share a house with others?
   A. Because it wastes much time cooking and cleaning.
   B. Because the British students are unfriendly.
   C. Because the house is not clean.
  8. Who is Frank Smith?
   A. A friend of the woman.    B. A visitor to the clinic.  C. A patient of Dr Milton.
  9. When will Mr. Smith come?
   A. At 7:00 pm, Tuesday. B. At 6:15 pm, Thursday.     C. At 5:30 pm, Thursday.
  10. Why can’t Frank Smith come tomorrow?
   A. He is not free.              B. Dr Milton is not on duty.     C. The hospital is closed.
  Brain—The most 11. ____ part of our body
   Ways to Care for the Brain
     ●getting a good night’s sleep
     ●eating 12. ____      ●taking 13. ____
   Ways to Improve Memory
     ●14. ____ what we need to remember
     ●visiting new places and having 15. ____
  第二部分:筆试部分 (135分)
  1. You’d better not bring your small son along, for this party is ____ (合适的) for only adults.
  2. New methods of production were ____ (应用) a few years ago.
  3. She finished what she had to say with a ____ (姿势) of despair.
  4. The police found the w____ to the murder a week later.
  5. The handwriting on both cheques is i____, so I can’t tell between them.
  1. The worker witnessed ____ (see) the man near the scene of the crime.
  2. The ____ (interact) of the two groups produced many good ideas.
  3. Anger seems simple when we are feeling it, but the causes of anger are ____ (vary).
  4. A child is someone who always needs the ____ (approve) of other people.
  5. I am a new ____ (employ). I was hired a week ago.
  differ from, a variety of, by contrast, in favor of, make a inference
  1. We have ____ trousers. Which one do you like best?
  2. It seems quite warm today ____ with yesterday’s icy wind.
  3. Are you ____ Tom’s suggestion that we work around the clock to meet the deadline?
  4. In fact, French ____ English in having gender for all nouns.
  5. From his manner, we ____ that he was satisfied with the exam.
  1. Rents vary ____ a few hundred dollars to thousands in large cities.
  2. I approve ____ your trying to earn some money, but please don’t neglect your studies.
  3. For the past three years he has been employed ____ a firefighter.
  4. ____ comparison, the brains of apes (类人猿) require only 8% of rest-time energy.
  5. She kissed her son lightly ____ the cheek and went out.
  1. 我父亲建议我和他出去走走。
  My father ____________ with him.
  2. 我真希望自己能戒酒。你能帮我吗?
  I wish I could ____________. Could you help me?
  3. 她不会介意照料我们的孩子的。
  She wouldn’t ____________ our children.
  4. 演讲令人感动,我们激动得热泪盈眶。
  The speech ____________, and we were moved to tears.
  5. 我父亲的工作是打扫街道,因此他经常起床很早。
  My father’s job is ____________, so he often gets up early.
  Note taking is available only to students who have documented disabilities and are registered with Queen’s University Accessibility Service (QSAS). Note taking is approved for students with disability-related functional limitations that makes it difficult for them to access academic information presented in class.   There is a wide range of reasons why students may require note taking as an accommodation, including students with:
  ● hearing loss, who may have difficulties hearing the instructor while writing notes at the same time
  ● vision loss, who may have difficulties seeing information presented on overhead screens
  ● mental health conditions or attention-related disabilities, who may have difficulties attending to orally-presented information while taking notes
  ● learning disabilities, who may have difficulties recording notes when information is presented orally
  ● physical disabilities, who may have motor or pain related difficulties
  Accessibility advisers consider a student’s description of their need for note taking along with information contained in their disability documentation and the type of course in approving note taking as a formal accommodation.
  Online Note Taking Portal (門户网站)
  QSAS is in charge of the exchange of notes taken by student volunteer note takers and students registered with QSAS via our secure online note taking portal.
  The pages in this section provide information for students with disabilities, volunteer note takers and instructors on requesting note takers, signing up to be a volunteer note taker and assisting QSAS with recruiting volunteer note takers.
  If you are a student seeking note taking accommodation, please click here to read the Starting Your Accommodation information.
  1. Note taking is available to students ____.
   A. lacking in confidence                         B. with loss of earnings
   C. losing interest in study                      D. with concentration problems
  2. What should students present to accessibility advisers when applying for note taking?
   A. Description of their learning difficulties. B. Record on their academic performance.
   C. Files on their past note taking experiences.
   D. Account of their requirements.
  3. What can disabled students do via Online Note Taking Portal?
   A. Ask for note taking.                          B. Apply to be a volunteer.    C. Offer notes taken.                            D. Learn to take notes.
  There is always no lack of ordinary people taking action for extraordinary change. Aghan Oscar is just among them. Thirteen years ago, Aghan, bothered by the ever-increasing quantity of plastic waste in this low-income suburb of Nairobi, decided to find a way to recycle it.
  Now his company, Continental Renewable Energy Co. Ltd (COREC) produces poles for use in construction, farming and road signs. So far he’s sold 96,000, and he says his potential for growth is limited only by the considerable expense of setting up plastic recycling plants.
  Most of Aghan’s customers are farmers and developers who once used wooden fence poles. Customers say they have other benefits as well. “I have fenced my piece of land three times using wood posts, but most of the time the fence was vandalized (故意破坏) by villagers who used the posts as firewood.” said Caleb Kapten. Now plastic posts have stopped the problem, he said.
  The Kenya National Highways Authority is one of COREC’s biggest customers. It approached the company after road signs were vandalized by criminals who sold the metal poles to steel manufacturing companies. Aghan reckons (估計) that COREC’s products have saved the government millions of shillings, besides preventing road accidents.
  When Aghan started this recycling business in 2003, most of his employees were his family members due to financial constraint (限制). Now he employs 250 young people to collect plastic waste. Fifty more youths work on the production line, where the waste is sorted according to quality before being crushed and washed, melted and cast into different shapes. The poles are then arranged by shape and size for sale in the yard of the recycling plant.
  4. What’s the biggest challenge of Aghan’s future career?
   A. The poor technology in recycling.        B. The high cost of building factories.
   C. The increasing piles of plastic waste.         D. The limited policy support in recycling.
  5. How was Caleb Kapten’s problem finally solved?
   A. He gave up fencing his land.
   B. He guarded the land more carefully.
   C. He replaced the wood posts with plastic ones.    D. He got some donated metal posts.
  6. What does the last paragraph suggest?
   A. Great difficulty facing Aghan.
   B. Stricl standards of plastic poles.
   C. Various ways of making plastic poles.
   D. The complex process of recycling plastic waste.
  7. Which best shows the structure of the text?
  [Para. 1][Para. 2][Para. 3][Para. 4][Para. 5] [Para. 1][Para. 2][Para. 3][Para. 4][Para. 5] [Para. 1][Para. 3][Para. 2][Para. 4][Para. 5] [Para. 1][Para. 2][Para. 5] [Para. 3][Para. 4]
        A.                               B.                             C.                         D.
  In today’s society, language plays a key role in defining gender (性別) by vocabulary, and also their non-verbal (非语言的) vocabulary. Each one of these different types of ways of communicating is obviously different between men and women.
  Many different studies show that men tend to talk much more than women. It has also been proven that women tend to speak faster than men; this is due to the fact that women tend to be interrupted more often than men are, and also have the ability to speak more clearly, precisely, and more quickly than men.
  Men and women also tend to have a very different non-verbal way of communicating, which can also make it very hard for one another to understand what the opposite sex is trying to say. Men’s body language is much more reserved when talking to women. Men tend not to make as much eye contact and they generally stay farther away from women when talking to them. Men avoid other people’s body space while talking, and they also tend to sit back when talking.
  Women also make it clearer whether or not the conversation is going somewhere or just stuck in neutral. After learning about our styles of communicating with each other, I have decided that although men have not quite mastered communicating, what fun would it be if we all spoke the same “language”? The little games men and women play with each other while conversing would be lost. The question everyone asks himself or herself after talking with someone of the opposite sex, “I wonder if there’s something there?” would no longer exist.   8. What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
   A. The differences between men’s and women’s languages.
   B. The different speed of men’s and women’s speech.
   C. The ability of men’s and women’s spoken language.
   D. The non-verbal vocabulary of men and women.
  9. In what way do men and women differ according to the third paragraph?
   A. Speed of understanding.                    B. Understanding of speech roles.
   C. Politeness of communication.             D. Application of body language.
  10. What is the author’s attitude to the differences between men’s and women’s communication?
   A. Cautious.         B. Favorable.             C. Ambiguous.         D. Skeptical.
  11. What is the best title for the text?
   A. Women, born excellent talkers                 B. Men’s and women’s social roles
   C. Vocabulary and communication          D. Opposite gender, different language
  Body language varies significantly across cultures. But what remains consistent across all known cultures are microexpressions (微表情). Microexpressions occur in everyone in a second, often without their knowledge. These facial expressions including surprise, anger, fear, disgust, happiness, and so on can reveal our true feelings about another person or situation.
  People might try to hide or obscure (模糊) them in different ways informed by culture, but to a practiced reader the true emotions are always visible. In the Philippines, showing both positive and negative emotion is a sign of openness and honesty. But visible negative emotion is seen as rude or aggressive while expressing too much positive feeling is considered embarrassing in Japan.
  A few years ago, my husband and I traveled to Qatar to lead a body language discussion for 200 HR (人力資源) leaders. Women’s bodies were completely covered, so we couldn’t see the posture or gestures. When standing on stage, all the men looked only at my husband and all the women merely at me. Luckily, we knew from the videos we’d previously made of Qataris that the flashes of emotion in their faces reflected the same feelings we might find from audience members anywhere else in the world. And so we could adjust what we want to show accordingly, and felt just as comfortable as we would have at home.   To recognize and understand microexpressions, you should first study the common microexpressions to know the typical feature of each. And then educate yourself on the local body language—including masking techniques before visiting or interacting with another culture. Third, when you’re in the moment, pay much more attention. You can’t interpret microexpressions if you don’t notice them.
  12. What is special about microexpressions?
   A. They are brief and unaware.              B. They are hidden and unusual.
   C. They are natural but unnecessary.       D. They are flexible but unavailable.
  13. What is most useful for the body language discussion according to the author?
   A. Getting well prepared.                 B. Being well organized.
   C. Reacting with others actively.             D. Using body language accordingly.
  14. Which stage will you be in if you keep your focus on others’ face?
   A. Step One.                B. Step Two.          C. Step Three.         D. Step Four.
  15. What is the best title of the passage?
   A. Developing Greater Social Skills           B. Getting Better at Reading People
   C. Behaving More Differently in Public D. Learning More about Microexpressions
  Public Speaking
  Public speaking can be defined as the act of making a speech in front of a group of listeners.
  The types of public speaking are deliberately structured with three general purposes: to inform, to persuade and to entertain. An informative speech has a purpose to inform, or give knowledge to its audience. _1_ For persuasive speech, the speaker would try to change the mindset, perception, or behavior of the audience for their own good. Thus, the speaker needs to look for common ground with the audience and try to relate to what they might agree on.
  _2_ Sparing some time to practice will help build confidence and help determine how long the presentation will last. Aside from it, knowing who the audience will be is quite necessary. Try to get as much information as possible regarding this particular area related to the audience. Knowing the “battlefield” in advance will give the speakers a huge advantage.   Language is the main aspect a speaker needs to pay attention to while giving a speech. _3_ A speaker needs to choose their words carefully and make it clear to the audience what they mean. Often, when given a speech, the audience look up to the speaker to give them something new and useful. _4_ Language and delivery alone will not be sufficient if the speaker does not have the body language. The movement and gesture of a speaker also affect the audience. While closing the speech or presentation, speakers can restate their main points, just to remind the audience of the important things that have been said. _5_
  A. It needs to be used clearly.
  B. These speeches mark special occasions.
  C. The important thing to watch about is not to put in too much information.
  D. The key of perfecting anything is through practice, including public speaking.
  E. They can also end it with a special message and encourage the audience to ask questions.
  F. Knowing how public speaking is done is a key part in understanding the importance of it.
  G. Thus, the speaker needs to know how to deliver their speech to fulfill the audience’s expectation.
  I was eleven years old when the fire broke out that year. I stood outside in just my underwear while I watched the _1_ that I grew up in rapidly burn to the _2_. A few minutes earlier I had been _3_ asleep in my nice, warm bed when a _4_ woke me up. My mum’s bedroom was just next to mine and my brother’s. A fire had broken out there and _5_ her. While I stumbled (跌跌撞撞地走) around in the _6_ and darkness, she ran from room to room quickly waking everyone in the house. The house, however, was over 50 years old and made of wood. Before we could do anything the fire _7_ it. We all barely _8_ outside before the _9_engulfed (吞沒) every room.
  I stood there _10_ while the fire destroyed my books, clothes, and toys. I watched _11_ while my mum cried and my Dad swore. I _12_ what was going to happen to us _13_ we had lost all of our things. As I looked around, though, I realized something for the first time: The things that _14_ aren’t things. I realized at that moment that we were all alive. _15_ that was essential had _16_ the fire. We would all be around to love each other for many years to come. And that was all that mattered.
  I still think of that fire in the _17_ that helped me to become who I am today. It showed me for the very first time what is truly _18_ in this life. It helped me to learn that the love we _19_ is far more important than the things we _20_.   1. A. room             B. house                C. floor            D. yard
  2. A. ground                 B. field             C. ashes                 D. ruins
  3. A. loud               B. quick            C. good            D. sound
  4. A. call                      B. scream               C. voice            D. noise
  5. A. caught            B. frightened           C. awakened           D. denied
  6. A. smoke            B. fire              C. light             D. noise
  7. A. spared            B. possessed          C. consumed           D. found
  8. A. got it              B. made it         C. put it            D. tried it
  9. A. flames            B. dust             C. silence               D. fear
  10. A. nodding         B. watching       C. trembling      D. staring   11. A. curiously       B. bravely         C. peacefully           D. helplessly
  12. A. wandered      B. wondered           C. fancied         D. amazed
  13. A. now that       B. even if               C. as if             D. so that
  14. A. rely              B. mind            C. matter               D. value
  15. A. Something           B. Everything          C. Nothing        D. Anything
  16. A. escaped              B. saw             C. survived        D. passed
  17. A. afternoon      B. day              C. morning        D. night
  18. A. basic            B. reliable         C. useless               D. essential
  19. A. share            B. protect         C. feed             D. remember
  20. A. apply            B. aim              C. support        D. possess
  A graduation speech given by Chief Justice John Roberts became a talking point after The Washington Post published it.   Roberts _1_ (address) his son’s ninth grade graduating class. He advised the young graduates _2_ (take) life’s setbacks in their stride (從容地). But he did not wish _3_ (they) good luck.
  “Now, the speakers will typically also wish you good luck and extend good _4_ (wish) to you. I will not do that, and I will tell you why,” Roberts said.
  “From time to time, in the years to come, I hope you will be treated _5_ (unfair), so that you will come to know the value of justice. Sorry to say, but I hope you will be lonely from time to time, so that you don’t take friends _6_ granted. I wish you bad luck again, from time to time, so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand your success is not completely deserved and _7_ the failure of others is not completely deserved either.”
  He continued, “I hope you _8_ (ignore), so you know the importance of listening to others, _9_ I hope you will have just enough pain to learn compassion.”
  In the end, each graduate received a pocket-size copy of the Constitution _10_ (sign) by Roberts.
  注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。
  2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
  The newly-built Sports Park lying in Nanshan District, which theme is “Making sports part of our life”, is to opened to the public soon. Cover an area of 30,000 square kilometres, the park was one of the largest modern parks in our city. It combine physical exercise with entertainment.
  The Sports Park features a plenty of top exercise facilities which will meet people’s needs for doing exercise as well as convenient receiving professional training. What’s more, that is surprising that the whole park and facilities have been designed to be used on free.
  People are welcome to visit the Sports Park or enjoy the pleasure of sports.
  请你根据以下内容,以“How to make use of body language”为题,展开合理想象,用英语写一篇100词左右的文章。
  1. 利用好身势语对我们很重要;
  2. 举两个有关身势语的例子;
  3. 简单总结。
閱读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。  一  Thanks to an online facial recognition system, a 1. ___ (China) man who was separated from his parents as a child has found his family.  Fu Gui, 33, was re-connect
迪斯尼是一个总会发生奇迹的地方。  Katie Whetsell's job is to bring others joy. As an employee of Disney for ten years, she delights families from all over the world and can bring a smile to anyone's face. Katie's sto
1. relevant [relvnt] adj. 有关的;切题的  We have passed all relevant information on to the police. 我们已经把所有相关信息都告知了警方。  be relevant to 与……密切有关  These materials are relevant to the case. 这些材料与这案件有关。  派生词  irr
What do you do after you fail? Are you likely to _1_ back or keep trying? Two cats who have been _2_ to enter an art museum in Japan for the past two years have been _3_ prevented from entering it, b
Ancient Egypt describes a civilization that existed in Northeastern Africa from 3100-332 BC. It was a time-period that followed  prehistoric Egypt, and would revolve around Upper and Lower Egypt fo
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用不定式完成句子。  1. __________ (保卫祖国) is our sacred duty.  2. It is an honour __________ (全心全意为人民服务).  3. It was not correct __________ (那样谈话).  4. It was a mistake __________ (不继续这项工作).  5. It was stupid _
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