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当了十几年的体育记者,已经养成一个习惯,每次采访之前,总要先问问自己:“假如我是读者,关于这个人或者这件事情,我最想知道什么?”经过一番自问自答,一篇文章就大概知道从何入手了。这次被《体育博览》的编辑邀请到了“记者席”,苦想两天,不知从何下笔。因为我真的不太清楚,对于我这样一个普通记者,读者有兴趣了解点什么?于是回头翻看前几期的“记者席”,《北京青年报》记者左达文的一篇“干体育,让我颇感欣慰”,使我顿生同感。我们算是同龄人,成长的经历和对“干体育”的感受也有许多相似之处,特别是我们同为女记者,在与人打交道的过程中体味的酸甜苦辣,可能比男记者们更浓烈一些。当年在中国人民大学新闻系读书时,老师谆谆教导,做一个好记者最重要的一个素质就是脸皮厚,被人从前门撵出来,要想办法再从后窗户进去。让一个纯朴善良的女学 When more than a decade of sports journalists have developed a habit, before each interview, always ask yourself: “If I am a reader, on this person or this matter, I most want to know what?” After a Fan asked himself, an article probably know where to start. This was “editorial editor” invited to the “press seats”, bitter thought for two days, I do not know where to write. Because I really do not know for me, an ordinary reporter, the reader is interested to know something? So looking back to the previous issue of “reporter’s seat”, “Beijing Youth Daily” reporter left a text of “exercise , I am quite pleased ”, so I suddenly feel the same. We are considered as peers. There are many similarities between our experience of growing up and the feelings we have about “dry sports.” In particular, when we are female journalists, we may experience more intense activities in dealing with people and may be more intense than male ones. When studying at the Department of Journalism, Renmin University of China in that year, the teacher was always trying to teach. One of the most important qualities of being a good journalist was that his face was thick and was pulled out of the front door. Let a simple and kind girl school