加强贸工结合 努力扩大出口

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今年是中国经济发展和政治生活十分重要的一年。作为一个以贸易为主的大型企业集团,千方百计扩大出口,保持出口稳定增长,是我们的首要任务。为保证全年出口目标的实现,我们统一思想认识,克服加入世贸组织以后面临人才争夺的突出矛盾,加快改革、改制、创新的步伐,采取有针对性的措施,使出口保持一定增长。到6月底为止,我集团实际出口为2.83亿美元,比去年同期增长4%,进出口总额为3.71亿美元,增长5.8%;同时,经济效益增长的幅度大于出口增长的幅度,实现了规模和效益同步增长。最近我们又召开了下半年出口工作分析会,认为下半年国际市场不确定因素很多,面临的资金紧张、退税不到位、人才流失等共性问题也很突出。针对加入WTO后可能出现的新情况,我集团早有准备。我们集中精力,抓住舜天股份公司成功上市的契机,大力开展贸工合作和建立自己的研发生产基地,以此稳定市场、稳定客户、吸引大批合作者。使出口业务越做越稳,越做越活,越做越好。 This year marks a very important year for China’s economic development and political life. As a large group of major trade-based enterprises, it is our priority to do everything possible to expand exports and maintain steady growth in exports. In order to ensure the realization of the annual export target, we unite our thinking, overcome the outstanding contradictions faced by the personnel competition after China’s accession to the WTO, accelerate the pace of reform, restructuring and innovation, and take targeted measures to maintain a certain growth in exports. As of the end of June, the actual export volume of our group was 283 million U.S. dollars, up 4% over the same period of last year, with a total volume of imports and exports of 3.71 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 5.8%. At the same time, the growth rate of economic benefits was larger than the rate of export growth, Benefit synchronous growth. Recently, we held an analysis meeting on exports in the second half of the year. We think that there are many uncertainties in the international market in the second half of the year. Funding problems such as tight capital, insufficient tax rebates and brain drain are also prominent. In view of the new situation that may emerge after the accession to the WTO, our group has long prepared. We focused our efforts on seizing the opportunity of Sainty’s success in going public, vigorously carried out trade and industrial cooperation and established our own R & D and production base in order to stabilize the market, stabilize customers and attract a large number of partners. Make the export business more steady, more and more live more and better.
一月热点 《上海证券报》报道,世界银行发表的一份报告说,由于全球经济复苏的势头比年初预计的要强劲得多,去年世界经济的增长率已达到 2 .6%,比世行 3月份预计的 1.8%大大提高,也比前年的
凝目回望上半年 ,我们看到了高歌猛进的时代步伐。当一些人还在为宏观经济形势是否出现拐点而引经据典、热烈争论之时 ,一个不争的事实摆在世人面前———中国经济已出现了重
本文采用萃取色谱法,以P507萃淋树脂为固定相,以HCl-NH4Cl体系为洗脱液,研究了99.999%~99.9999%高纯Gd2O3中稀土杂质和Gd基体的分离方法,并选择了富集方法和火花源质谱测定条件,达到了纯度为99.9999%的高纯Gd2O3的分析测定要求 In t
在世界各国莫不致力于加快发展步伐,发达国家继续保持领先地位的国际背景下,中国怎样才能在逐渐形成的新的国际分工中占据一个有利地位,如何才能跟上先进国家的发展步伐 ?这是我
随着啤酒、汽车和旅游业方面的消费支出逐渐增长.亚洲的经济学家提高了2000年经济增长预期、特别是在风行一时.的高科技方面。他们更是充满了信心。 据《证券时报》报道.去年、受强