At the Supermarket

来源 :考试与评价·八年级版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lk1892
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  Adam often goes shopping with his mother. His favorite shops are the supermarkets, because they are big and bright and full of different things.
  Adams mother does the shopping very carefully. She goes to different supermarkets and compares their prices. Adam helps her.
  Last time they went shopping, Adam and his mother went to Big City Supermarket and Top Value Supermarket. They went to Big City Supermarket first.
  “List the prices of the tinned foods, Adam,” his mother said. “Ill list the prices of the fresh foods.”
  Adam walked up and down the aisles. He wrote down all the prices. Then he found his mother looking at the vegetables.
  “How much is the tinned milk powder?” his mother asked him.
  “Three pounds,” Adam said and looked at his list.
  “How much is the tinned fish?” his mother asked.
  “Two pounds,” Adam told her.
  He told her the prices of all the tinned foods, and then they went to Top Value Supermarket. They compared the prices. Some things were cheaper at Top Value than at Big City. Some things were more expensive.
  What do you think Adams mother did?
  I. Give short answers to these questions. (简略回答下列问题。)
  1. Does Adam often go shopping with his mother?
  2. Does Adams mother do the shopping carefully?
  3. Does Adam help his mother?
  4. Did the tinned fish cost three pounds?
  5. Were some things cheaper at Top Value?
  II. Answer these questions in sentences. (用完整的句子回答下列问题。)
  1. What are Adams favorite shops?
  2. Why does Adam like them?
  3. Why does Adams mother go to different supermarkets?
  4. What did Adams mother ask him to do?
  5. How much was the tinned milk powder?
  III. Copy the true sentence about the passage. (選出与文章内容相符的句子。)
  a. Some things were cheaper at Top Value than at Big City.
  b. Everything was cheaper at Big City.
  c. The prices at Big City and Top Value were the same.
  IV. Read the passage. Then answer the question.(读下面的短文,然后回答问题。)
  Elly and her mother go shopping every Saturday. They compare fresh food prices to tinned food prices. Fresh milk costs £1. Tinned milk powder costs £3. Fresh tomatoes cost twice as much as fresh milk. Tinned tomatoes cost £1.50 less than tinned milk powder. Tinned fish costs £1 more than tinned tomatoes, and half as much as fresh fish.
  How much are tinned tomatoes?
教学内容:苏教版小学语文四年级下册  教材分析:《特殊的葬礼》是苏教版小学语文第八册第18课,是一篇关于环境保护的课文。作者描写了巴西著名景观塞特凯达斯瀑布由雄伟壮观到逐渐枯竭的过程,以及人们的震惊、痛心和反思,说明环境被破坏之后给大自然带来的严重危害,留给我们一个警示:珍惜环境、保护环境,爱护人类共同的家园——地球。  设计理念:充分激发学生的主动意识和进取精神,积极倡导“自主、合作、探究”的学
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