Lenin taught us that “the art of any propagandist and any agitator lies in influencing a certain audience with the best possible image and making it possible for the listener to make the truth more convincing, easier to grasp and more More obvious, firm, and memorable. ”The use of the literary and artistic image is the most effective, most effective and supportive way for teachers to explain the truth in the most obvious and easily understood, most convincing way one. However, only teachers can use these literary and artistic works flexibly to play their due role. Therefore, teachers themselves should have a good understanding of literature and a correct understanding of literature. Because literary and artistic works can fully and sharply show the essence of certain social forces, it can help us to understand more deeply social phenomena, class struggle, people’s history, the past, present and future of our motherland. However, the role of literary and artistic works is not limited to these places. It is also of special significance in the formation of social ideology and in the education of the masses by communism. Literature and art is the party