以科学发展观为指导 实现滨州经济超常规跨越式发展

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科学发展观,是我党执政理念的新飞跃,对于全面建设小康社会,进而实现现代化的宏伟目标,具有重大而深远的意义。作为仍处在欠发达状态的滨州来说,必须以科学发展观为指导,紧密联系滨州实际,做好结合文章,开拓创新,科学发展,努力实现全市经济的超常规跨越式发展。一、树立和落实科学发展观,必须大力实施“工业兴市”战略工业是拉动经济增长的主要力量,工业化是现代化不可逾越的重要阶段,也是滨州跨越发展、全面建成小康社会的基石,当前,滨州正处于由追赶向超越转变的关键时期,振兴滨州,繁荣滨州,发展滨州,希望在工业,潜力在工业,重点也在工业。因此,必须进一步凝心聚力,大力实施“工业兴市”的“1238”工程,用5年的时间,全市培植10个左右销售收入过百亿元的企业,20个以上销售收入30—100亿元的企业,30个以上销售收入过10—30亿元的企业,规模以上企业个数达到800个。(一)做大做强骨干企业。把培育和发展骨干大企业、大集团摆到重要位置,积极引导和扶持魏棉、鲁北、滨化、活塞、亚光、京博、三星、印染等骨干优势 The scientific outlook on development is a new leap in our party’s concept of running a government. It is of great and far-reaching significance for the grand goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way and then achieving modernization. As an undeveloped Binzhou, it is necessary to take the scientific outlook on development as a guideline, closely contact with Binzhou actual situation, do a good job of combining articles, blaze new trails and develop scientifically, and strive to realize the super-leap-forward development of the city’s economy. First, to establish and implement the scientific concept of development, we must vigorously implement the strategy of “promoting industrial development through strategic industries” as the major force driving economic growth. Industrialization is an important stage of modernization that is insurmountable. It is also the cornerstone of Binzhou’s striding development and building a well-off society in an all- At present, Binzhou is in a critical period of transition from chasing to transcendence. It has rejuvenated Binzhou, prospered Binzhou, developed Binzhou, hoping it will be in industry and its potential will be in industry, with emphasis also on industry. Therefore, we must further solidarity, vigorously implement “Industrial Xing ” “1238 ” project, with 5 years time, the city cultivated about 10 10 billion yuan in sales revenue of enterprises, more than 20 sales 30 to 100 billion yuan in revenue, 30 to more than 30 to 1 billion in sales of enterprises, the number of enterprises above designated size reached 800. (A) bigger and stronger backbone enterprises. We should nurture and develop key large enterprises and large groups in an important position and actively guide and support such key strengths as Weician, Lubei, Binhua, Pistons, Yaguang, Beijing Bo, Samsung, and Dyeing and Printing
目的对门诊1 982例阴道炎患者中感染需氧菌阴道炎(AV)现状进行调查分析。方法采用镜检法和需氧菌阴道炎/细菌性阴道病(BV)联合测定技术对1 982例主诉阴道分泌物增多、有异味
铀(Ⅵ)—铬天青S与高分子胺胶束增溶剂形成三元络合物后,其灵敏度大大提高,但选择性较差,不易推广。 本试验对铀(Ⅵ)—铬无青S—十六烷基三甲基溴化胺体系进行较详细的研究,