苹果赢利 网景亏损

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1月8日获悉:苹果公司在1月6日透露,公司预计98第一季度的收入约为15.75亿美元,其中净赢利约为4500万美元,这是自1996财政年度以来的第一次赢利。另据从浏览器制造商网景公司传出消息说,该公司去年第四季度发生自公开上市以来的首次亏损,亏损总额高达8200万美元到8500万美元。分析家们认为,苹果公司的赢利主要归因于该公司持续的成本削减策略,去年11月发布的新的PowerMacintosh G3系列机器销售量超出了公司的预料。另外,微软公司也于月初宣布,用于Mac系列的IE4.0及新版Office将于3月推出,这对Mac机用户是一个极好的消息。至于 Learned on January 8: Apple disclosed on January 6 that the company expects 98 first quarter revenue of about 1.575 billion U.S. dollars, of which the net profit of about 45 million U.S. dollars, which is the first time since fiscal year 1996 . According to news from browser maker Netscape, the company reported its first loss since its public listing in the fourth quarter of last year, with a total loss of up to 82 million U.S. dollars to 85 million U.S. dollars. Analysts believe Apple’s profit is largely due to the company’s ongoing cost-cutting strategy, with sales of the new PowerMacintosh G3 series released last November exceeding the company’s expectations. In addition, Microsoft also announced early this month that IE 4.0 and new versions of Office for the Mac series will be launched in March, which is an excellent news for Mac users. As
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