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都昌紫皮大蒜有悠久的栽培历史,历来是我省特产蔬菜之一。属紫皮型大瓣种,它适应性强,稳产高产,瓣大皮薄,味辣带香,营养丰富,是加工、鲜食兼用良种,素以“都蒜”著称。建国后我县历年种植面积2000~3000亩,年产鲜蒜苔1.5~2.5万担,干蒜头1.2~1.8万担,畅销省内外。一、选地整地大蒜的根系为弦线状须根,根系较脆弱,对土壤条件要以选择有机质较丰富的砂质壤土栽培为好。都昌县大蒜主产区阳峰乡等地,均为麻砂泥田(土),这类土壤耕作层深厚,肥力较高,适耕性好,地下水位低,排水良好,故容易栽培而获高产。 Duchang purple garlic has a long history of cultivation, has always been one of the province’s specialty vegetables. Is a purple-type petal species, it adaptable, stable and high yield, petal thin skin, spicy with incense, nutrient-rich, is processing, both fresh and good variety, known as “all garlic” is known. After the founding of our county over the years the planting area of ​​2000 to 3000 acres, with an annual output of 1.5 to 2.5 million fresh garlic, dried garlic head 1.2 to 1.8 million, selling inside and outside the province. First, the election site preparation Garlic roots for the string-shaped fibrous roots more vulnerable to the soil conditions to choose organic material rich sandy loam cultivation is better. Duchang County, the main producing areas Yangfeng garlic and other places, are mud sand muddy soil (soil), such deep soil cultivation, fertility, good adaptability, low groundwater level, good drainage, it is easy to grow and high yield.
农村社会养老保险从1991年启动以来,作为我国农村社会福利保障体系的发展和延伸,作为适应市场经济、服务市场经济新的保障体系的一部分,还有许多方面需要 As the developme
盖囊侧耳(亚栎侧耳)Pleuvotus cysti-diosus系高温型平菇.通过两年来试验探讨其生物学特性及栽培技术,现将结果整理如下: Pleuvotus cysti-diosus is a type of Pleurotus o