
来源 :宁波经济丛刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shellyyiqiong
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一、宁波能源转化输运现状分析1.煤炭吞吐和中转已有相当规模。宁波港是我国南方三大煤炭接卸港之一,目前全港有万吨级煤炭码头8个,总吞吐能力1720万吨,其中,宁波港务局北仑港区拥有5万吨级煤炭泊位2个,能力600万吨;北仑电厂拥有万吨以上电煤码头3个,能力600万吨;镇海港区拥有万吨级煤炭泊位3个,能力520万吨。2001年实际吞吐煤炭2036万吨,其中宁波消耗1673万吨,(国内各地进港1607万吨,外 First, the analysis of the status quo of energy conversion and transportation in Ningbo 1. Huff and catenary has been a considerable scale. Ningbo Port is one of the three major coal ports in southern China. At present, there are 8 10,000-ton coal terminals in Hong Kong with a total throughput of 17.2 million tons. Among them, Beilun Port of Ningbo Port Authority owns 2 berths of 50,000-ton coal, , With a capacity of 6 million tons; Beilun Power Plant has 3 million tons of coal power terminals with a capacity of 6 million tons; Zhenhai Port has 3 tons of coal berths with a capacity of 5.2 million tons. In 2001, the actual throughput of coal was 20.36 million tons, of which 16.73 million tons were consumed by Ningbo (16.07 million tons were imported from all over China
IT IS THE LARGEST ENGINEERING Projecton the face of the earth.It aims to tame the moth-er of all floods, the Yangtze River, and generate84 billion kilowatt-hou