
来源 :湖北政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sworc
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《湖北政报》是省人民政府政刊,是省政府宣传党的方针路线、传达政府政策政令、传播国家法律法规的重要工具。在1999年度《湖北政报》宣传发行工作中,各市、州、县政府及其办公室认真贯彻省政府办公厅有关文件精神,将《湖北政报》的宣传发行作为政府工作的一项重要内容,加强领导,克服困难,制定措施,广泛宣传,扎扎实实到基层抓收订,抓落实,为《湖北政报》宣传发行学习运用作出了新的贡献。为鼓励先进,促进工作,决定对1999年度《湖北政报》宣传发行工作成绩突出的孝感市政府办公室等31个先进单位、建始县红岩寺镇等32个先进基层单位和咸宁市政府办公室秘书科科长朱敏等80个先进个人予以通报表彰。同时,对宣传发行工作做得比较好的11个市县人民政府办公室予以表扬。希望各级政府及各部门办公室再接再厉,不懈努力,为开创《湖北政报》宣传发行学习运用工作新局面再创佳绩。 The “Hubei Gazette” is a political issue of the provincial people’s government and an important tool for the provincial government to propagandize the party’s line of principle, convey government policies and decrees and disseminate national laws and regulations. In the 1999 annual “Hubei Gazette” propaganda and publication work, municipal, state and county governments and their offices conscientiously implemented the spirit of the provincial government office documents, the “Hubei Gazette” publicity and distribution as an important part of government work, Strengthen leadership, overcome difficulties, formulate measures and publicize them in a down-to-earth manner. They have grasped the principle of grasping and accepting orders at grassroots level and implemented it in a bid to make new contributions to the study and application of the propaganda and distribution of the “Hubei Gazette.” In order to encourage advanced work and promote work, it has decided to screen 31 advanced units such as the Xiaogan Municipal Government Office with outstanding achievements in the publicity and publication of the 1999 Hubei Political Bulletin, 32 advanced grass-roots units including Hongyan Temple Town in Jianshi County, and the secretary of Xianning Municipal Government Office Section chief Zhu Min and other 80 advanced individuals to be commended for recognition. At the same time, 11 cities and county people’s government offices that have performed well in publicity and publication work are praised. We hope that all levels of government and departments and offices will make persistent efforts and make unremitting efforts to achieve another success in creating a new situation in the study and application of the “Hubei Press”.
各自治州、市人民政府,各地区行署,省政府各部门、各直属机构: 为进一步全面、系统地宣传介绍贵州的自然资源、优势产业、投资环境和办事程序,展示我省经济社会发展成就,提