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我区在经营红麻种子中,某些单位和个人对红麻的品种特征及生长规律认识不足,大量从北方调入红麻种,麻田出现早开花现象,麻株矮小,皮层薄,麻皮质量降低,产量减少,使我区红麻生产遭受较大损失,大大影响了国家和个人的经济收益。红麻起源于印度和非洲,生长在热带、亚热带,系短日照喜温作物,生育期长短对日照影响很大。一股低纬度地区的种子往高纬度地区种植(即从我国南方往北方种植),由于生长期内日照时数较原产地长,气温较原产地低,表现营养生长期延长。南方麻种调北方种值,由于日照延长,以致得不到一个适于形成花芽较长的黑暗时期,所以表现只能开花,不易结籽。而生育期延长的结果,则导致麻株生长高 Some of the units and individuals in kenaf in our district are not well aware of the characteristics and growth pattern of kenaf. A large number of kenaf varieties are introduced from the north, and there are early blooming phenomenon in kenaf, short stubble, thin skin, The quality is reduced and the output is reduced, so that kenaf production in our district suffers a great loss, which greatly affects the economic benefits of the country and the individual. Kenaf originated in India and Africa, growing in the tropics, subtropics, Department of short-day hi-temperature crops, the length of the growth period has a great influence on the sunshine. A low-latitude region of seed is planted in high latitudes (that is, it is planted from the south of our country to the north). As the sunshine duration is longer than that of the original place of origin during the growing season, the temperature is lower than that of the original place, which means the vegetative growth period is prolonged. Due to the prolonged sunshine, the southern species planted the northern species, resulting in a dark period suitable for the formation of longer flower buds, so the performance only flowering, not easy to bear. The result of the prolongation of growth period leads to the high growth of hemp plants
用常规Raman光谱、电化学原位表面增强拉曼散射光谱 (SERS)和时间分辨SERS光谱 (TRSERS)研究了甲基硫脲 (MTU)分别在HClO4 、H2 SO4 、HNO3以及它们两两混合的酸性介质中与一
研究背景:  脂肪肝(fatty liver disease,FLD),是最常见的引起慢性肝病的疾病,威胁着全世界尤其是发展中国家人类的健康。肝病指南明确指出,FLD与代谢相关危险因素有密切的关系,
研究背景:   甲基苯丙胺(Methamphetamine,METH)属于苯丙胺类神经兴奋剂(Amphetamine-Typed Stimulant,ATS),其盐酸盐为透明的结晶体,状如冰,俗称“冰毒”,为一种新型毒品,
目的:探讨结缔组织生长因子(CTGF)在胰腺癌组织细胞中的表达强弱,同时探索结缔组织生长因子(CTGF)在表达增强及表达缺失时对胰腺癌细胞增生、侵袭及转移能力的影响。  方法:在