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“生命根植于生活,生活因拥有无数的生命而精彩。”我特别喜欢这句话,这句话是对“儿童的生活经验是课程的基础”所作的最好诠释。然而,如何体现生活活动的课堂,让学生生命在课堂教学中充满活力?怎样让学生在自己的生动活泼中进行有意义的学习呢?我认为充分营造氛围让学生在教学活动中全程参与活动,全体参与活动发挥学生的学习自觉性、主动性、探究性,进而体现主体地位、培养各种能力的重要一环。一、课前营造生活化的活动氛围 “Life is rooted in life, life is wonderful for having countless lives. ” I especially like this sentence, which is the best interpretation of “the life experience of children is the basis of the course ”. However, how to embody life activities in class so as to make students’ lives full of vitality in classroom teaching? How to let students make meaningful learning in their vivid and lively activities? I think that the atmosphere should be fully established so that students can participate in activities throughout the teaching activities, All participate in activities to play a student’s learning consciousness, initiative, inquiry, and then reflect the status of the main body, an important part of training a variety of abilities. First, create a living atmosphere before class
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著名作家路遥的一生虽然极其短暂,但他却创作出了常人难以创作出的优秀作品。除了创作之外,路遥几乎把所有的时间都用在了阅读上。  路遥少年时代一直被饥饿所困,这是路遥人生中最难忘的一段经历。1963年9月,路遥进入延川中学初中66级乙班学习。那时候的路遥已经爱上了阅读,这一点我们从路遥在《答中央广播电视大学问》中的就可以体现到,路遥说:“我的《在困难的日子里》,写了1961的饥饿状态,这必须要你自己体