Reinterpreting "Universe" and Recovering "Benevolence" -- To Commemorate the Evolution and Ethics an

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Yan Fu's Evolution and Ethics and Tan Sitong' s Theory of Benevolence are thetwo important books published in the great turning point of modern Chinese history. Both booksnot only harshly criticize the monarchy, take the lead in appealing for liberty, equality and democra-cy, but also give a creative explanation of universe -man relationship which is the basic issue of Chi-nese thought, promote the transformation of traditional cosmology and morality toward a new worldoutlook, social outlook and values, and lay the foundation for ontology and methodology of new ide-as and new theories. Both books have the "Prejudice" given by Chinese traditional culture,but be-cause of their ideological resources, thinking coordinates and methodological path differences, theyconstitute a certain relationship of contrast and complementarity in theory. Therefore, conducting amore in - depth analysis and summing up the achievements and limitations of them are enough toprovide valuable lessons for us in "restarting the thinking of universe -man" in today's era.
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Since the 18th CPC National Congress,the Party Central Committee,with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,has formed Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics(Xi’s TSCC)for a New Era in the process of upholding and developing the great pract
<正> 维吾尔族英雄史诗《艾米尔古尔乌古里》(亦称《古尔乌古里苏丹》),是一部宏篇巨著。这部作品的情节,主要集中在古尔乌古里苏丹的活动之中。这部史诗不但流传于中亚的乌兹别克、土库曼、塔吉克、卡拉卡勒帕克、塔塔尔人中间,而且流传于阿富汗、伊朗人之中,被称为《科尔乌古里》。阿克苏、库尔勒、尉犁、巴楚、英吉沙、莎车、麦盖其、和田、伊犁及其周围的农村,在举办娱乐会时,在规模巨大的聚会麦西热甫上,无不谈及这部史诗或演唱其中的重要情节。民间艺人、民间歌手在当地的
Based on the study of Engels’thought of Marxist humanism and combined with the current academic discussions on Marx’s“all-round person”,“whole person”and“free person”and other related discussions,this paper,from the perspectives of human educational knowl
<正> 人们把蒙古民族和内蒙古地区称为“歌舞之乡”或“诗林歌海”,这并不是溢美之词。的确,诗歌在蒙古民族中有悠久的传统,古今的诗人很多。每个诗人各有特点,正象世界上不会有完全相同的两块石头一样。草原——这块辽阔、富饶、美丽土地,这个花
<正> 一九八五年八月十日至十五日,中国少数民族文学学会在乌鲁木齐市召开了第三届年会。来自17个省(区)、市的汉、满、蒙古、藏、回、维吾尔、壮、土、土家、柯尔克孜、哈萨克、乌孜别克、锡伯、朝鲜、日、塔塔尔、彝、纳西、傣、塔吉克二十个民族的115名老、中、青专家、学者欢聚一堂。
With the arrival of the "housing stock" in first - tier cities, the second - handhousing~market will become the dominant property market. This ardcle aim to the first - tiercities of second - hand housing prices and new home price index for the empirical