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改革大潮汹涌澎湃。在这波峰浪谷之中,千船竞发,万舸争流。有多少弄潮者,击风搏雨,一往直前。河南第二火电建设公司经理刘景文,便是其中的一个。 敢问路在何方 八十年代初,刚刚开始复兴的国家经济步履沉重,电力建设进展缓慢。在长期计划经济体制下,河南第二火电建设公司对“任务靠计划,吃饭靠国家”已习以为常,被上级视为合理亏损单位。企业靠吃“窝工费”糊口,职工抱着铁饭碗受穷,真可谓外无压力,内无动力。 1983年,48岁的刘景文就是在这样的背景下出任公司经理的。“难道社会主义企业就应该让国家背着走吗?”工人出身的刘景文当时在理论上也许不能透彻地回答这个问题,但他认准一条理儿:一千几百号人,几十台机械设备闲着,向国家伸手要饭吃,总不是长法。他横下一条心:“吃好吃赖,挣来的吃着才香甜!”于是,他和公司一班人制定的另辟生路,“找 The tide of reforms is surging. In this peak and valley, thousands of ships competed to make a battle. How many people who make waves, hit the wind and rain, go straight forward. Liu Jingwen, manager of Henan No. 2 Thermal Power Construction Company, is one of them. Dare to ask where the road is In the early 1980s, the countries that had just begun to rejuvenate were struggling economically, and electric power construction progressed slowly. Under the long-term planned economic system, Henan No. 2 Thermal Power Construction Company has become accustomed to the task of “depending on plans and eating depends on the country” and is regarded as a reasonable loss-making unit by the superior. Enterprises rely on to eat “workers’ expenses” to make ends meet. Workers holding iron and rice bowls are poor. It can be said that there is no pressure and there is no power inside. In 1983, the 48-year-old Liu Jingwen served as manager of the company in this context. “Is it that the socialist enterprises should let the country carry away?” Liu Jingwen, who was a worker, may not be able to thoroughly answer this question in theory at the time, but he looked for a reason: a few hundred people, dozens of machines. The equipment is idle, reaching out to the country for food, and it is not always a long method. He leaned down one heart: “Eat good food and earn sweet food!” So ​​he and the company’s group of people created another way out, “Find
一、股份合作制是乡镇建筑企业扭转经营机制的有效途径 乡镇建筑企业已成为建筑业的一个重要组成部分,建筑市场上的一支主力军。但是近年来,乡镇建筑队伍难以稳定,一般的乡
今年二月,是中国施工企业管理协会成立十周年。 十年前,适应改革开放,企业走向市场,为相互沟通,交流情况,研究共同关心问题的需要,由32家全国先进施工企业发起,成立了中国施
为了及时宣传、推广已鉴定的成果,加强科技成果交流,促进科技成果转化工作,本刊从第7期始,陆续选登船舶总公司最新科技成果登记项目,为推动基层的科技进步服务。 In order t