Shut-cut nitrification characteristics of aerobic granule in a sequencing batch airlift reactor at l

来源 :哈尔滨工业大学学报:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shaokangtian
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To investigate the shut-cut nitrification characteristics of aerobic granule,an aerobic granular sequencing batch airlift reactor(AG-SBAR) was carried out with mixed carbon sources of sodium acetate and glucose at 10±1 ℃.Results indicated that ammoni
<正> 《白鲸》(1851)是美国文学名著,作者麦尔维尔(1819—1891)是美国著名小说家,他20岁到24岁时做过长时间的水手和捕鲸鱼叉手,积累了丰富的航海经验,特别是捕鲸的经验,他说:“一只捕鲸船就是我的耶鲁大学和哈佛大学”(《白鲸》24章),这为他创作这部名著打下良好的生活基础。他和美国名作家霍桑过从甚密,但在世时远不如朋友出名。他病逝纽约时,美国绝大多数
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