
来源 :山西老年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pipiskin
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尽管现在的卫生间里铺设的都是防滑砖,但对于老年人来说,由于身体的平衡功能逐渐下降,不易保持体位的稳定,是跌倒受伤的高发人群。所以在卫生间内更要格外小心,密切注意地面情况,谨防跌倒。在卫生间内最好安放防滑垫,建议以底部带有防滑吸盘的为佳。这种浴室垫,是专业防滑的浴室安全产品,它底部分布有许多吸盘,可以牢牢地吸在光滑的地面上,达到防滑的 Although the current bathroom are laying non-slip tiles, but for the elderly, as the body’s balance function gradually declined, not easy to maintain the stability of position, is falling high risk of injury. Therefore, we must be more careful in the bathroom, pay close attention to the ground conditions, beware of falls. Best place in the bathroom non-slip mat, it is recommended to the bottom with a non-slip sucker better. This bathroom mat is a professional non-slip bathroom safety product with a number of suction cups distributed on the bottom that can be firmly sucked on a smooth surface to achieve non-slip
柔情似水九重天,岁月更颜再复年。  素裹红装几相伴,浓书墨宝数携边。  双联齊唱温馨曲,两句同吟子妹篇。  旺语迎宾召柳燕,门楣到喜庆春缘。
1994年我国在直接还原方面的重大进展ImportantProgressesofOurCuntryintheFieldofDirectReductionin19941.我国自己设计、自己制造的第一座工业生产回转窑,于1994年11月份在辽宁喀左县投入... Major Progress in Direct Reduction in China in 1994 Impor
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为了探讨保护性耕作节水、增产潜力及其在黑河流域的适应性,设计20 cm留茬(NS20)、20 cm留茬压倒(NPS20)、40 cm留茬(NS40)、40 cm留茬压倒(NPS40)和传统耕作(CT)5个处理,研
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