农历马年春节前夕,2014年1月20日,也就是国务院总理李克强在北京人民大会堂同在华部分外国专家亲切座谈的前一天,笔者在北京外国专家大厦对大卫·韦克斯曼(David Waxman)进行了专访。大卫给人的印象是一个典型的英国学者,浓重的伦敦腔,犀利的言辞,他不同于其他受访者的地方是,他不只是回答问题,而且善于发问、辩论。这位计算机系统生物学家是出席此次春节前夕外国专家座谈会的63位优秀外国专家代表之一。
On the eve of the Spring Festival Lunar New Year, January 20, 2014, the day before Li Keqiang, the premier of the State Council, held a cordial discussion with some foreign experts in China at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The author criticized David Waxman David Waxman conducted an interview. David gives the impression that a typical British scholar, a strong London, sharp words, he is different from the other respondents is that he is not only answering questions, but also good at asking questions and debates. The computer biologist is one of 63 outstanding foreign experts who attended the forum of foreign experts on the eve of the Spring Festival.