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1 国民经济的发展要求交通先行交通运输是整个国民经济的重要职能部分。马克思曾指出,“除了采掘业、农业和加工工业以外,还存在着第四个物质生产部门,……这就是运输业。”它是国民经济的循环系统,是联系生产、流通、分配、交换、消费的纽带,是其他各行业正常运转、协调发展的前提与保证。概言之,它是国民经济发展的先行官,古今中外,任何国家或地区,无不是以交通事业的发展而启动和刺激经济腾飞。这里所指的交通,是包括铁路、公路、水运、航空等各种形式的大交通。而其中公路运输因具有灵活、便捷、快速等特点,既能使“门对门”运输省去繁杂的中转环节,又能使铁 1 The development of the national economy requires traffic ahead Transport is an important part of the entire national economy. Marx once pointed out that “in addition to the extractive industries, the agricultural and the processing industries, there is a fourth material production department ... This is the transportation industry.” It is a circulatory system of the national economy and is a system of production, circulation, distribution , The exchange and consumption link, is the premise and guarantee for the normal operation and coordinated development of other industries. To summarize, it is the forerunner of the national economic development. All countries, all over the world, and any country or region, start and stimulate economic growth with the development of transportation. The traffic here refers to all forms of large-scale traffic including railways, highways, waterways and aviation. Among them, the road transport has the characteristics of flexibility, convenience and quickness, which can not only save the complicated transit links of the door-to-door transport but also make the iron
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