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在研读《邓小平文选》第一、二、三卷的过程中,笔者统计从一九八一年九月十九日邓小平同志在华北某地检阅军事演习时的讲话开始,一共有八次提出要培养“有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律”即“四有”新人。就同一个问题,邓小平同志前后八次,反复强调理当引起我们高度重视和深长思之。 毫无疑问,邓小平同志先后八次,指出同一个问题,而且措词使用了“主要”、“最根本”、“历来”等字眼。这不是一般的讲一讲,更不是简单的重复。例如,一九八二年,他指出,搞社会主义精神文明,“主要是使我们的各民族人民都成为有理想、有道德、有文化、守纪律的人民”。时隔一年,邓小平同志又指出,过去很长一段时间,我们忽视了发展生产力,所以我们要特别注意建设物质文明,与此同时,还要建设社会主义精神文明,“最根本的是使广大人民有共产主义的理想、有道德、有文化、守纪律。”后来,邓小平同志又进一步指出,“‘四有’这四条里面,理想和纪律特别重要。”他根据建国前后几十年的革命和建设经验,强调指出,搞革命和建设最重要的是人民的团结,要团结就要有共同的理想和坚定的信念,要向人民,向青年进行有理想有纪律的教育,没有理想和纪律,就没有凝聚力,建设四化是不可能的。他认为,进行经济体制改革,要同“四有”教育结合? During the first, second and third volumes of Deng Xiaoping’s anthology, my statistics began with a speech made by Comrade Deng Xiaoping on September 19, 1981 when he read military exercises in a place in north China. A total of eight proposals were made Cultivate “ideal, moral, cultural, disciplined” that “four have” newcomers. On the same issue, Comrade Deng Xiaoping has made eight successive statements and repeatedly emphasized that it should cause us to attach great importance to and take a deep thought for it. There is no doubt that Comrade Deng Xiaoping has pointed out the same issue eight times in succession, and the wording used the words “major”, “most fundamental” and “always”. This is not a general talk, not a simple repetition. For example, in 1982 he pointed out: To engage in socialist spiritual civilization “mainly means to make our people of all ethnic groups an idealized, ethically, culturally and disciplined people.” A year later, Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out: For a long time in the past, we neglected the development of productive forces. Therefore, we must pay special attention to building a material civilization. At the same time, we must also build a socialist spiritual civilization. “The most fundamental thing is to enable the vast People have the ideal of communism, morality, culture, and discipline. ”Later, Comrade Deng Xiaoping further pointed out:“ Ideals and discipline are particularly important in these four ”Four Foundations.“ According to the revolutions of the past decades after the founding of the People’s Republic Emphasizing that the most important thing in carrying out revolution and building is the unity of the people. To achieve unity, we must have common ideals and firm convictions. We should educate the people and young people on the ideal and discipline with no ideals and discipline , There is no cohesion, and it is impossible to build the four modernizations. He believes that the reform of the economic system, with the ”four" education combined?
在当前的新形势下 ,思想政治工作者要进一步转变观念 ,在思想上树立四种意识 :即大局意识、超前意识、创新意识和持久意识。一、树立大局意识思想政治工作者应有效地结合改革
以吡哌酸联合 TMP 治疗166例急性细菌性痢疾,同时以呋喃噻酮联合 TMP 治疗165例同型菌痢,根据临床诸项检查指标对比观察,说明前者疗效明显优于后者。 166 cases of acute ba
男 ,6 2岁 ,日本籍 ,1997年 10月 30日 10时 10分突然昏迷伴尿失禁 ,呼醒数分钟后神志又不清 ,测BP 38/ ?kPa,心律不齐 ,即于 10时 40分送至我院 ,途中曾予速尿 2 0mg ,2 0 %甘露醇
中等师范学校语文教科书《现代汉语知识》第一册第77页有一则训练材料,要求“朗读下列诗歌”,而“下列诗歌”只有这样四句: 云母屏风烛影深, 长河渐落晓星沉。 嫦娥应悔偷灵
1  病历报告患者张某 ,男 ,2 0岁 ,工人 ,因玩扑克牌和下象棋时出现三次癫痫发作而就诊。患者曾于 1998年 10月某晚与工友玩扑克牌时突然意识丧失 ,随后两眼上翻、牙关紧闭