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今年夏天转会市场上最疯狂的球队是切尔西,接下来是国际米兰。但很遗憾他们的成绩并没有达到投资者所希望达到的高度,尽管他们的战绩还可以,但都是可以让人接受却并不让人惊喜的成绩。今年夏天转会市场上最冷静的球队是利物浦,接下来是多特蒙德。但同样遗憾,他们的成绩令人失望。利物浦目前排在英超第六,多特蒙德排在德甲第五,都是不尴不尬的中游成绩。所以,当鹅毛大雪飘然而至,无论是拉涅利还是萨默尔,他们都在思考,是不是到了该让手上的资金(如果有的话)活动的时候了。冬季,一向是有反传统精神的球队的乐园。在冬季转会市场上流动的球员一般名气不大(1999年的亨利是个例外),实用性和适应性却很强。最好的例子是科瓦切维奇在前年冬天从尤文图斯转会到皇家社会后,不但带领该队保级,还于今年将该队带进了欧洲冠军联赛;今年1月,德甲的门兴格拉德巴赫在得到了芬兰强援福塞尔(当时在切尔西)后,一举保级成功。这是两个经典的冬季转会例子,而且所支付的代价并不高。在欧洲,中小球队就是靠着冬季的转会市场才得以继续留在高水平联赛里和顶尖强队对抗到底的。由于今年夏天切尔西这只金融大鳄的存在,打乱了不少球队的夏季采购计划,并一度使欧洲转会市场失去平衡。为此,很多豪门在夏天隐忍不发,当时就有媒体预测,2004年的1月将迎来一个收购高峰期。在经历了半个赛季的洗礼后,豪门的破绽渐渐显露,阿森纳只用一套阵容打两个联赛(英超和冠军联赛)以及巴塞罗那伤了一个小罗就无人组织的弊端越来越明显。所以,当2004年1月冬季转会市场开放的时候,蠢蠢欲动的不仅仅再是那些缺钱少将的中小俱乐部。缺什么,补什么,且看豪门的进补动向。 The craziest team on the transfer market this summer is Chelsea, followed by Inter. Unfortunately, their performance did not reach the level investors want to achieve, although they can still record, but are acceptable but not surprising results. The coolest team on the transfer market this summer is Liverpool, followed by Dortmund. But equally sadly, their results are disappointing. Liverpool is currently ranked sixth in the Premiership, Dortmund ranked fifth in the Bundesliga, are not embarrassing midstream results. So, when the goose hairs floated to either Ranieri or Sammer, they all wondered if it was time for the hand, if any, activity. Winter, has always been an anti-traditional team’s paradise. Players moving in the winter transfer market are generally not famous (Henry in 1999 is an exception), but practical and adaptable. The best example is Kovacevic in the winter of last year from Juventus transferred to the Royal Society, not only led the team to relegation, but also this year the team into the UEFA Champions League; January of this year, the Bundesliga’s door Hing Ladd Bach succeeded in relegation after securing Finland’s Forsel (then Chelsea). This is an example of two classic winter transfers, and the price paid is not high. In Europe, small and medium teams rely on the winter transfer market was able to continue to stay in high-level league against the top teams in the end. Due to the existence of Chelsea’s financial predators this summer, many teams disrupted the summer shopping plan and once the European transfer market is out of balance. To this end, many wealthy people forbear in the summer, there was media forecasts, in January 2004 will usher in a peak in the acquisition. After half a season of baptism, the Giants flaws gradually revealed that Arsenal only use one team to play the two leagues (Premiership and Champions League) and Barcelona injured a Ronaldinho unorganized drawbacks more and more obvious . So, when the January 2004 winter transfer market was open, just around the corner was not just the small clubs that lack money. Lack of what, make up what, and look at wealthy tonic.
从1995年开始,《联合国气候变化框架公约》的缔约国每年都会召开一次大会。在阻力与困境中,全球气候谈判从未一帆风顺,但总在坚定地前行。    气候变化应对问题已经不仅仅是一个环保问题,还是一个政治问题,更是一个发展问题。从1992年巴西里约热内卢联合国环境与发展大会开始,气候谈判,在这样的争执与辩论中已经走过了23个春秋。从里约热内卢到京都、到巴厘岛,再到哥本哈根,再到巴黎,全人类共同应对气候变化
一、前 言 Al—Si合金的性能在很大程度上与共晶硅的尺寸形态有关。共晶硅呈粗大片状时,合金的力学性能尤其是延伸率很低。细小圆整的共晶硅均匀地分布于基体上,则可望获得