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11月27日至29日,中共中央、国务院召开了中央经济工作会议。会议以党的十五大和十五届六中全会精神为指导,深刻分析了当前我们面临的国际国内形势,认真总结了今年的经济工作,提出了明年经济工作的总体要求和改革发展稳定的主要任务,明确了工作重点和措施。这对于动员全党、全国人民推动明年经济发展,迎接党的十六大召开,具有十分重要的意义。2001年是实施“十五”计划的起始之年,在世界经济增长明显放缓的情况下,我国经济保持了快增长、高效益、低通胀的发展势头,我省经济运行质量和效益总体良好,前三个季度,国内生产总值同比增长8.7%,高出全国平均水平1.1个百分点,为实现“十五”计划的宏伟目标开了一个好头。展望新年,全省各级政府及广大干部群众一定要认真贯彻落实全国经济工作会议精神,保持“十五”开局的良好势头,做好明年经济工作,推动全省经济社会持续快速健康发展。 From November 27 to November 29, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council held the Central Economic Work Conference. Guided by the spirit of the 15th CPC National Congress and the 6th Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee, the meeting profoundly analyzed the current international and domestic situations we are facing, earnestly summarized this year’s economic work, put forward the general requirements for economic work next year, and the reform, development, and stability The main task, a clear focus of work and measures. This is of great significance to mobilizing the entire party and the people throughout the country in promoting economic development next year and meeting the convening of the 16th CPC National Congress. The year 2001 was the start of the implementation of the “10th Five-year Plan”. With a marked slowdown in world economic growth, our economy maintained the momentum of rapid growth, high efficiency and low inflation. The quality of economic operation and In the first three quarters, gross domestic product grew by 8.7% over the same period of last year and was 1.1 percentage points higher than the national average, which set a good start for the grand goal of the “10th Five-Year Plan.” Looking forward to the new year, the government at all levels in the province and the broad masses of cadres and masses must conscientiously implement the spirit of the National Economic Work Conference and maintain the good momentum of opening the “15th Five-Year Plan”, do a good job in economic work next year, and promote the sustained, rapid, and healthy economic and social development in the province .
责任会计亦称事中控制会计 ,是以企业内部各部门经营管理责任为对象 ,反映和控制各部门、各单位以及职工个人责任履行情况的一项会计业务。责任会计的主要内容是 :在企业内部
利用适宜强度的脉冲电磁场对落叶松种子进行处理 ,有利于提高落叶松种子的发芽率和苗木的生长量 The use of pulsed electromagnetic fields of suitable intensity to deal
“Come on!”“Vamos!”……赛场上,我们经常可以听到一些球员富于激情的呐喊。心理学家把这些言行统称为“自我言说”。具体而言就是,通过外在的语言行为表现内心动态。“