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体育游戏在体育教学中占有重要的地位。在体育教学中,科学、合理地安排游戏能更好地为体育教学服务,让学生在玩中动,动中学,以学生为主体,以创造快乐体育为目的,使学生主动地投入到体育教学中去,在游戏中更好地提高学生学习的积极性,还有助于提高学生的全面素质。体育教师要有目的、有意识地根据教学内容的需要和学生的生理、心理特点,选择适当的体育游戏,将体育游戏和教学内容有机地结合起来,为更好地完成教学任务创造条件。因而游戏教学在体育教学中起着不可替代的作用。 Sports games occupy an important place in physical education. In physical education, scientifically and reasonably arrange the game to better serve the teaching of physical education, let the students play the middle school, middle school and students as the main body, in order to create a happy sports for the purpose of making students take the initiative to put into physical education In the game to better improve student learning enthusiasm, but also help to improve the overall quality of students. Physical education teachers should have the purpose, consciously choose the appropriate sports games according to the needs of the teaching contents and the students’ physiological and psychological characteristics, combine the sports games and the teaching contents organically, and create the conditions for the better completion of the teaching tasks. Thus game teaching plays an irreplaceable role in physical education.
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