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今年金秋,“神舟5”号载人飞船将要在酒泉卫星发射中心升空了,本刊策划向您介绍u001f“神舟号”飞船系统总指挥,著名空间技术青年专家,有“航天少帅”美誉的袁家军。当飞天的目标离中国人越来越近时,袁家军想对中国第一位航天员说,祝你好运。请相信我们,相信中国航天的能力,我们会在着陆场迎接你胜利归来。酒泉,一座有着悠久历史的小城。它真正出名,直至在世界上享有声誉,是因中国第一个卫星发射场建在那里,中国第一枚导弹、第一颗卫星、第一枚运载火箭、第一艘飞船从那里升起,她的名字叫酒泉卫星发射中心。在举国上下为载人飞船胜利凯旋而欢呼雀跃的那一刻,让我们记住酒泉卫星发射中心那些默默奉献的工作人员,也让我们记住西部这片热土。 This autumn, “Shenzhou 5” manned spacecraft will be launched in Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, the magazine planning to introduce you u001f “Shenzhou” spacecraft system commander, well-known young space technology experts, “less handsome aerospace” Yuan Jiajun reputation. When the goal of flying is getting closer to the Chinese, Yuan Jiajun wants to say hello to China’s first astronaut. Believe us, believe in China’s space capabilities, we will greet you at the landing site victory back. Jiuquan, a town with a long history. It is really famous until it enjoys a reputation in the world because of China’s first satellite launch site built there. The first Chinese missile, the first satellite, the first launch vehicle, the first spacecraft rose from there, Her name is Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. Let us remember those quietly dedicated staff at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, let us remember this piece of hot land in the west, at the moment when the whole country cheered and cheered the victory of the manned spacecraft.
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