
来源 :国土资源高等职业教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lijichen
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新年伊始,国务院颁布了《关于加强地质工作的决定》。《决定》的出台非常及时,完全符合我国经济社会发展的要求,对促进地矿事业健康、可持续发展具有划时代的现实意义。它是党中央、国务院赋予我们地质工作者新的任务,同时也让我们感受到了地质工作又一个春天的到来。赣南地调大队,地处矿产资源十分丰富的赣南,近几年来,我们坚持地勘主业,调整工作部署,加大地勘投入,地质找矿成果显著,矿权转让、矿权合作取得重大突破,成功转让(合作)矿权11宗,可引进风险勘探资金近2亿元,引进各类开发资金8亿多元,近年内可分别建成3个钨、锡、铜、铅、锌、金、银的采选、冶、深、精加工的矿产联合企业,将对赣州地方经济的发展发挥极其重要的作用,同时,也极大地提高了赣南地调队的社会地位,实践使我们更加认识到《决定》出台的意义和肩负的责任,也让我们看到了地勘工作新的机遇和新的挑战的来临。春风吹过来,窗户还要靠自己打开。面对新的形势,我们要按照《决定》的精神,调整思路,发挥优势, At the beginning of the new year, the State Council promulgated the “Decision on Strengthening Geological Work.” The promulgation of the “Decision” is very timely and completely in line with the requirements of China’s economic and social development. It is of epoch-making significance in promoting the healthy and sustainable development of the geology and mining industry. It is a new mission for the geological workers given by the Central Party Committee and the State Council and at the same time makes us feel another spring of geological work. Gannan to tune the brigade, located in a very rich mineral resources in southern Jiangxi, in recent years, we insist on main prospecting, adjusting work arrangements, increase investment in geological exploration, geological prospecting significant results, the transfer of mineral rights, mineral rights cooperation made Significant breakthroughs were made in the successful transfer of (cooperation) tenements in 11 cases, the introduction of risk exploration funds of nearly 200 million yuan, the introduction of various types of development funds of more than 800 million yuan, and in recent years, three tungsten, tin, copper, lead, zinc, The combined mining of gold, silver, smelting, deep processing and refined coal mining will play an extremely important role in the development of local economy in Ganzhou. At the same time, it will also greatly enhance the social status of the southern Jiangxi provincial transfer team and make us We are more aware of the significance and responsibilities of the “decision” and also let us see the advent of new opportunities and new challenges in geological prospecting work. Spring breeze blowing, but also by their own windows to open. In the face of the new situation, we must follow the spirit of “decision”, readjust our thinking, give full play to our advantages,
在量子阱半导体激光器结构中采用优化超晶格缓冲层来掩埋衬底缺陷,获得了性能优良的激光器。对超晶格缓冲层所具有的“量子阱陷阱效应”进行了理论分析。 In the quantum wel