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段云友1952年5月出生于吉林双阳。1979年毕业于第四军医大学医疗系,博士研究生导师,教授、主任医师,现任第四军医大学唐都医院超声诊断科主任。全军超声医学专科中心暨国家重点(培育)学科影像医学与核医学负责人。段云友教授从事超声诊断的临床、教学和科研工作20余年,具有对各种心脏及外周血管疾病超声诊断的丰富经验。在国内外率先开展了多项课题的超声诊断实验和临床研究。先后获陕西省科技进步一等奖1项,军队、省科技进步二等奖6项,以第一作者或第二作者在各专业杂志发表论文300余篇,其中,SCI收录18篇。承担国家级、省部级课题8项,培养硕博士研究生40名,主编、参编专著11部。现任中国医学影像技术研究会副会长、中国影像技术研究会超声分会副主任委员、中国超声医学工程学会理事、中国医师协会超声分会常委、全军超声医学专业委员会常委兼秘书长、陕西省超声学会副主任委员、《中国医学影像技术杂志》常务编委、《中国临床医学影像学杂志》、《中国医学影像学杂志》及《中国超声医学杂志》编委等职务。2005年获总后勤部“优秀共产党员”称号,2005年获全军超声医学专业突出贡献奖,2007年获军队院校育才银奖。 Duan Yunyou was born in May 1952 in Shuangyang, Jilin. In 1979 graduated from the Fourth Military Medical University Department of medicine, doctoral tutor, professor, chief physician, the Fourth Military Medical University Tangdu Hospital, director of ultrasonic diagnosis. The military ultrasound medical specialist center and the national key (nurture) discipline medical imaging and nuclear medicine leader. Professor Duan Yun You engaged in ultrasound diagnosis of clinical, teaching and research work for more than 20 years, with a variety of cardiac and peripheral vascular disease ultrasound diagnosis of rich experience. At home and abroad took the lead in a number of subjects ultrasound diagnostic experiments and clinical research. Has won the first prize of scientific and technological progress in Shaanxi Province 1, the army, the provincial science and technology progress prize two 6, with the first author or the second author in various professional journals published more than 300 papers, including SCI 18. Undertake 8 national, provincial and ministerial topics, training master Shuo 40, chief editor, edited 11 monographs. He is currently Vice President of China Medical Imaging Technology Association, Vice Chairman of Ultrasound Branch of China Imaging Technology Research Society, Member of China Society of Ultrasound Medical Engineering, Standing Member of Ultrasound Branch of Chinese Medical Association, Standing Member and Secretary General of PLA Ultrasound Medical Professional Committee, Society Vice Chairman, Standing Editor-in-Chief of China Medical Imaging Technology Journal, Editorial Board of China Clinical Medical Imaging, Editorial Board of China Medical Imaging and Editorial Board of China Ultrasound Medical Journal. In 2005 by the General Logistics Department “outstanding communist ” title, in 2005 by the army ultrasound medical outstanding contribution award, in 2007 by the military academy Yucai Silver Award.
该工作建立了海洛因、吗啡成瘾者血清、尿中吗啡的薄层色谱扫描(Thin Layer Chromatography Scan,TLCS)定量检测方法,研究了吗啡中毒实验家兔延缓死亡后体内吗啡的分布,用放