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长春宫正殿始建于明永乐十八年(1420),为后妃居住的宫殿。清朝曾对该建筑进行多次修缮改造,涉及拆除正殿前檐抱厦及月台、前檐装修移位、后檐装修改造等项,使建筑外观呈现出清晚期紫禁城内廷宫殿的建筑风貌。通过对建筑形制的分析发现,其内外檐斗棋、立柱形式、梁架构造、屋架举折、大木加工工艺等特点,都具有明代早期官式建筑的特征,结合大木用材的检测结果和现存彩画遗迹时代特征的分析,表明该建筑结构框架未经过重建,是明代早期官式建筑遗存。 The main hall of Changchun Gong was built in Ming Yongle eighteen years (1420), palace for the concubine living. The Qing Dynasty carried out several repairs and improvements on the building, involving dismantling the front eaves and embracing masts of the main hall, the renovation of the front canopies and the renovation of the rear canopies to make the architectural appearance show the architectural style of the palace of the Forbidden City within the late Qing period. Through the analysis of the architectural form, it is found that the characteristics of the official building in the early Ming Dynasty, such as the internal and external eaves fighting chess, column form, beam structure, roof truss folding, large wooden processing technology and other characteristics, combined with the test results of large wood timber and the existing color Analysis of the characteristics of the relics era shows that the structural framework of the building has not been rebuilt and is the remains of the official building of the early Ming Dynasty.
这些伊拉克商人习惯下午吃午饭,晚上九、十点吃晚饭,好像倒不过时差。身在浙江义乌,却好像生活在伊拉克。他们在浙江省义乌市回忆着伊拉克。他们是居住在义乌的一千多名伊拉克商人。在义乌,晚上下了班,他们喜欢在户外坐下来,点一壶红茶,三三两两,相聚聊天。  在义乌,他们回忆着自己在伊拉克的生活以及亲眼所见的死亡场景。导弹误炸、流弹误伤、绑架、教派之间的暴力仇杀暗杀、汽车炸弹、自杀性爆炸,几乎包括所有可以想到
戗金工艺的起源可以追溯到秦汉时期的漆器锥画。目前考古发现的年代最早的锥画漆器见于西汉时期的墓葬中,最著名的当属长沙马王 The origins of the gold process can be tr
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杨子过于宋东之逆旅。有妾二人,其恶者贵,美者贱。杨子问其故。逆旅之父答曰:“美者自美。吾不知其美也;恶者自恶,吾不知其恶也。”杨子谓弟子曰:“行贤而去自贤之心,焉往而不美?”  鲁国有个叫王骀的,是个断了脚的残疾人。他与孔子一样,也举办私学招生授课,而且追随他的人跟追随孔子的人一样多。孔子的弟子常季有点儿不服气,就问老师:“夫子,王骀是个断了脚的人,在鲁国的学生中,他的学生和您的学生各占去一半。王