
来源 :青少年日记(教育教学研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:thirdeyes
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古诗词是小学语文的重要组成部分,是我国古典文学中的精华,古代教育学家孔子曾经说过:“不学诗,无以言。”诗言志,诗传情,古诗凝炼,魅力无穷。常吟古诗词,可以陶冶情操,丰富想象,还可以培养学生对语言文字的兴趣和敏感力,有益于培养他们的诗词学素养。应当说古诗词就像一杯陈年醇香的佳酿,滋养着炎黄子孙的血脉;又如一枚磁石,凝聚吸引着民族的魂魄。一、激发诵读欲望我们都知道,在中国语文教学的传统经验中,“读”是第一大法,而小学古诗词的教学更要注意激发学生诵读的兴趣,扎扎实 Ancient poetry is an important part of primary school Chinese classical literature, is the essence of ancient Chinese educator Confucius once said: “not to learn the poem Charm. Often poems ancient poetry, can cultivate sentiment, rich imagination, but also to cultivate students interest in language and sensitivity, is conducive to cultivating their poetic accomplishment. It should be said that ancient poetry is like a glass of old-world mellow wine, nourish the descendants of blood; Another example is a magnet, the condensate to attract the soul of the nation. First, to stimulate the desire for recitation We all know that in the traditional Chinese teaching experience, ”Reading " is the first law, but the teaching of ancient poetry in primary schools should pay more attention to stimulate students interest in reading, down solid
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在化学反应热力学与化学平衡计算中,用自由能函数法计算标准反应自由能△G_T~0是快捷而准确的方法之一。 In the chemical reaction thermodynamics and chemical equilibr