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社会主义市场经济飞速革新发展,高职教育事业也获得全面新生机遇,其间最具有代表性的成就莫过于校企合作模式的建立。毕竟高素质技能型人才培养,是学校和企业的共同心愿,更是彼此获得市场竞争优势的基础点。所以,在此类背景下,高职院校应该时刻凭借校企合作方针的关键性指导效用,令最终培养的人才满足企业和社会可持续发展的诸多规范诉求。笔者的任务,便是针对校企合作大环境下的教师队伍构建、教学模式改革、教学条件和质量控制等应对细节,加以系统化论证解析,希望能够为日后校企合作绩效大幅度提升,奠定基础。 The socialist market economy has undergone rapid innovation and development, and higher vocational education has also been given a full range of freshmen’s opportunities. The most representative achievement during this period was none other than the establishment of a school-enterprise cooperation model. After all, training high-quality skilled personnel is the common aspiration of schools and enterprises, but also each other to gain the competitive advantage of the market base. Therefore, in this kind of background, vocational colleges should always rely on the key guiding effectiveness of the school-enterprise cooperation principle, so that the finally trained personnel can meet many normative demands of sustainable development of enterprises and society. The author’s task is to deal with the details of the construction of the teaching staff, teaching mode reform, teaching conditions and quality control and other coping details under the environment of school-enterprise cooperation, to systematically demonstrate and analyze, hoping to greatly enhance the performance of school-enterprise cooperation in the future, and lay basis.
如今,我们可以把知识注入一些老式产品之中,也可以经过提炼使其升华为一些最新研制的高档产品,或者将其作为一种只有你才有的服务提供给别人。 Today, we can inject knowle
摘 要 计算机在当下已经成为一个不可或缺的工具,无论是学习、工作、还是生活中,都离不开计算机。作为一门实践性极强、创造性极强、时代性极强的课程,要求职业技术教育更加专业性,在教学当中改进传统的教育模式,引进现代化教学理念,实现课堂与学生互融,培养适应社会发展的人才。  【关键词】计算机教学;教学方法;学习方法;内容生活化;重视实践  时光如白驹过隙,转眼间我从事中等职业技术学校的计算机教学已经有五
The concentrations of total suspended matter(TSM) and the compositions of organic stable carbon iso-topes of TSM and bottom sediments were analyzed to studythe