The stability of LiNiLaO/γ-Al_2O_3 catalyst for partial oxidation of methane to syngas

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:p2908892
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The catalytic performance, thermal stability, carton deposition, crystal phase, catalyst surface composition, pore volume and specific surface area were investigated using a series of characterization techniques in eluding fixed-bed microreactor, TG, XRD, XPS, TPR and BET The results indicated that LiN1LaO/γ-Al2O3 can lyst was quite stable during the 200 h life-test at 1123 K. CH4 conversion and CO selectivity kept exceeding 96 00% , respectively, at CH4/O2 ratio of 1 96 and space velocity of 27 000 l/(kg·h) The catalyst not only had excellent carbon deposition resistance, comparatively stable pore structure and stable crystal phase, but also the active center nakel did not react with the support to produce compound (NiAl2O4) during high temperature reaction The catalytic performance, thermal stability, carton deposition, crystal phase, catalyst surface composition, pore volume and specific surface area were investigated using a series of characterization techniques in embedded-bed microreactor, TG, XRD, XPS, TPR and BET The results indicated that LiN1LaO / γ-Al2O3 can lyst was quite stable during the 200 h life-test at 1123 K. CH4 conversion and CO spontaneous retained exceed 96 00%, respectively, at CH4 / O2 ratio of 1 96 and space velocity of 27 000 l / (kg · h) The catalyst not only had excellent carbon deposition resistance, comparatively stable pore structure and stable crystal phase, but also the active center nakel did not react with the support to produce compound (NiAl2O4) during high temperature reaction
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