
来源 :校园英语·月末 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhang2jie
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  【Abstract】With the rapid development of the global economy and the acceleration of the globalization and normalization of human society, the mutual exchanges between different countries and nationalities are becoming more and more close, and interpreting is a necessary and inevitable mean for communication between different nationalities and nations. As a bridge of intercultural communication, interpreting requires not only superb bilingual skills but also rich cultural background knowledge. This paper will analyze the cultural differences in interpretation from the aspects of national customs, thinking mode and cultural precipitation.
  【Key words】Interpretation; bilingual skills; background knowledge
  1. interpreters need a strong cultural background
  First, interpretation involves a wide range of knowledge and coverage. “it includes both historical and cultural knowledge and related theoretical knowledge (history, religion, geography, nationality, local customs, culture and art, historical allusions, etc.), as well as common sense (transportation),” “currency, communications, health, even legal knowledge, hot topics, etc.), as well as a wide range of international knowledge (geography, politics, economics, history, culture, and national conditions, customs, ways of thinking, etc.).” The wide range of disciplines and knowledge dictates that the interpreter must be a generalist in the knowledge of astronomy and geography. Secondly, there will be many proper nouns in the process of interpreting, especially many words with Chinese characteristics. There are no equivalent words in English. Therefore, this complexity also puts forward quite high requirements for interpreters.For example, his understanding, vocabulary and so on. An important factor that a translator cannot ignore is the cultural difference between the source language and the target language. In the process of translation, translators must take into account two aspects of cultural personality and characteristics.
  2. Cultural differences in interpretation
  Due to different cultural backgrounds, different traditional habits and behaviors and different thinking patterns, the corresponding words have different cultural connotations and they all express their thoughts and feelings according to their own cultural patterns. Interpreting is a cross-cultural bridge and a link for communication and transplantation between different cultures. Interpreters should try their best to strengthen and enhance the comprehensibility of different cultures in the minds of readers. To make the meaning of the source language equal to the target language in their respective cultures, to minimize the distance between the two languages and eliminate the differences between the two languages.   Differences in the way of thinking. In cross-cultural communication, people from different cultures and societies are not so much involved in language communication as in ideological and cultural exchanges, which also reflect the thinking process of both sides of the communication. Interpretation is to convey a language so that the listener can understand its meaning, but it is more important to reflect the speaker’s thinking process so that the translation can reflect what the speaker is referring to. This requires interpreters to have a good understanding of their culture and mode of thinking in addition to their solid language skills and fluency in language expression, otherwise interpretation can only be a translation of text. The differences between the Chinese and the Anglo-American way of thinking are mainly manifested in the following aspects:
  3. Cultural deposition difference
  Cultural deposition refers to the generation of a large number of idiomatic words (including idioms, proverbs, maxims, slang, sayings, etc.) in the long term use of various national languages. They contain rich cultural connotation with a strong color. Language is a mirror of culture. If there is no corresponding understanding and understanding of culture, it will affect its deep understanding and proper use of language. As interpreters, if they do not have a good understanding of the two cultures, cultural ambiguity will inevitably arise in interpretation.
  [3]王宁.翻译的文化建构和文化研究的翻译学转向[J].中国翻译, 2005,26(6).
【摘要】作文复习是教师和学生备考的重中之重。作文复习教学要做到“三有”,即有纲、有序、有法。“有纲”是指进行作文复习教学时,教师首先应做到心中有依据;“有序”是指作文复习教学要有计划;“有法”就是在教学中要讲求策略方法。  【关键词】中考;作文;复习  【中图分类号】G632 【文献标识码】A  写作是中考语文试卷中占分比例最大的考查内容,几乎占据了整个语文试卷的半壁河山。因此作文复习是教师和学生
贵州平塘打岱河天坑群,镶嵌于天坑之中的500米口径球面射电望远镜  站在如今贵阳市的著名景点—甲秀楼上向远处眺望,能够看到这座近年来被冠名“大数据之都”“中国数谷”的城市,高楼林立、一派欣欣向荣的繁华景致。  甲秀楼是贵州改土归流、艰难建省的历史缩影。这座始建于明朝的建筑,修葺在浅浅护城河中一块突出巨石上,像一个楔子打入蜿蜒的乌江水系。  为什么一座由中央政府修建、寓意“科甲挺秀”的地标建筑,只能
19世纪英国铜版画,描绘英国舰队炮攻广州城  近日,英国籍华裔媒体人何越在FT中文网发文《我为什么提议英国把鸦片战争列入中学历史教纲?》,引发了中国网民的一轮热议。被视为中国近代史开端的“鸦片战争”,没有出现在英国中学历史教纲上,深深地触及了中国人的“国耻”记忆。  时移世易。国家地位、民族尊严既能碰到民族主义的敏感神经,也將揭示侵略者和被侵略者如何“选择性”地记忆或遗忘历史。只是,自卑和傲慢就像
11月7日,美国特拉华州威尔明顿,支持者庆祝拜登当选美国总统  “无论特朗普连任还是拜登当选,中美关系都不会有太大变化。”早在美国大选投票开始前,国内外战略界、舆论圈就有这样一种较为流行的判断。如今美国大选已告一段落,拜登的外交和国安政策班底已在媒体曝光,“拜登政府依然会对华强硬”似乎还是主流判断。  这种判断,至少是不够严谨的。拜登政府的对华政策,绝不会是萧规曹随,当然也不会是改天换地。“强硬”
在创建世界一流舞蹈高等学府的进程中,北京舞蹈学院党委始终坚持“围绕中心抓党建,抓好党建促发展”的原则,以改革创新的精神不断加强和改进党的建设。近年来,学院各系党总支、直属党支部不断加大发展党员的工作力度,加强教育培训,严格程序,保证质量,党员发展比例显著提高,尤其是学术带头人和骨干教师的党员发展工作成效显著。     理顺机制,改善结构,党员发展工作稳步提升    在青年教师和大学生中发展党员一直
摘 要 和雅教育是教育本质的一种表现方式,是“和”“雅”理念在教育世界的价值体现。它旨在促进学生的健全而自由发展,进而有效达成家校和谐互助与师生和谐共长。立足和雅校园文化建设,遵循“养心育人,以合致和”的整体设计思路,着眼文化建设、课程建设、师资建设和社区建设等实践路径,旧部前小学探寻出了一条“和于心,雅于行”的和雅教育之路。  关 键 词 和雅教育;养心育人;以合致和;学校文化  中图分类号 G
传媒:上行催化剂渐明朗  投资要点:  1、估值水平回到合理区间。  2、票房、业绩兑现和彩票效应是短期催化剂。  板块经过自发以及IPO开闸两轮剧烈调整,估值风险已经有较大的释放,目前估值水平已经回撤至2012年底和2013年初的水平,相当于2013年板块的上涨主要是净利润增长的驱动而非估值体系的上移。  主要推荐的个股中(1)蓝色光标,作为成长最快、持续性最好的传媒公司,目前估值水平在板块中反
一个女孩给远方的爸爸打电话:“爸爸,我这次月考得了班级第六名!”  小雨中,爸爸沾满泥灰的手拿着旧手机,开心了:“不错了,祝贺你,我不在家,你还考这么好!”  “爸爸,我想在下一次考班级第一名!”女儿自信地说。  爸爸说:“听了你的话,我心里很高兴。”  孩子以为爸爸有更高的要求,不敢说话了。  “我不要你考第一名,谁保证总会考第一?总是不掉队?你和妈妈什么时候要我一年必须挣几万元钱的?”爸爸问道