来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:henry_lin08
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The transformation process of an m-DOF free-floating robot from one static state to a dif-ferent static state has m degrees of freedom. The proposed approach of these transformations utilizes aseries of single-DOF transformation processes as an altomative to the m-DOF transformation process.TWO static state transformation processes are studied in detail. First, a single-DOF transformation pro-cess is established using a newly defined concept, referred to as transformation planning, and the defi-nite integral of conservation of angular momentum. Second, the governing equation of the single-DOFtransformation process is established using the dynamic equations of motion of the robot. This allowsthe joint torques to be computed to effect the state transformation. Finally,an extension of the sin-gle-DOF transformation process is proposed to extend the application of uns proposed transformationmethodology to create a transformation net which allows the reconfiguration of a robot from one stateto many other pos The transformation process of an m-DOF free-floating robot from one static state to a dif-ferent static state has m degrees of freedom. The proposed approach of these transformations utilizes a series of single-DOF transformation processes as an altomative to the m- DOF transformation process.TWO static state transformation processes are studied in detail. First, a single-DOF transformation pro-cess is established using a newly defined concept, referred to as transformation planning, and the defi-nite integral of conservation of angular momentum. Second, the governing equation of the single-DOF transformation process is established using the dynamic equations of motion of the robot. This allowsthe joint torques to be computed to effect the state transformation. Finally, an extension of the sin-gle-DOF transformation process is proposed to extend the application of unscribed transformationmethodology to create a transformation net which allows the reconfiguration of a robot fromone stat eto many other pos
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