“正规军”吃不饱 “游击队”生意俏 谁来为“清道夫”清道?

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大大小小的废旧硒鼓排好队走上传送带,在处理装置里转一圈。经过破碎、除尘、磁选、清洗四个环节,硒鼓上的铁、铝和塑料被打回原形,成为再生产的原材料;墨粉及其他有害物质流入专门的回收通道,找到了安全、环保的归宿。这条能“吃”硒鼓的流水线就是上海金桥工业废弃物管理有限公司的废旧硒鼓墨粉盒处理系统。它的来头可不小,据介绍,它是国内第一个自主研制开发的废旧硒鼓自动化处置系统,电子废弃物资源化项目中的一员大将。公司总经理黄晨告诉记者,按照设计能力,这套系统每月可以“吃掉”40吨硒鼓墨粉盒,如今却面临“吃不饱”的尴尬——自去年10月中旬安装调试完毕以来,目前该流水线累计处理硒鼓仅30吨。电子废弃物资源化项目的另一员大将——电子废弃物拆解系统同样陷入了“缺粮”窘境。在这套系统中,回收来的电脑、扫描仪、复印机等电子废弃物经过外壳拆解后进入细拆流水线,由专业人员将电路板上的 IC、电阻、电容、二极管、三极管等电子元件卸下,测试合格后再次出售。无法循环利用的边角料也将得到无害化处理。然而,这套能变废为宝的电子废弃物拆解系统自去年6月投入运行以来,至今仅拆卸各类电子废弃物180吨,也大大低于处理能力。几位电子废弃物“清道夫”都遇上了“吃不饱”这只拦路虎,难道是上海的电子废弃物供不应求?记者带着疑惑翻开了《浦东新区2005年统计手册》,却看到这样一组数字:2004年浦东新区城市化地区总户数66.72万户,每年产生的废旧家电为59.84万台,产生废旧电脑等20.22万台,废旧数 Large and small waste toner cartridges line up the conveyor belt, in the processing device in a circle. After crushing, dust removal, magnetic separation and cleaning, the iron, aluminum and plastic on the toner cartridge are returned to their original shape and become the raw materials for reproduction. Toner and other harmful substances flow into the special recovery channel to find a safe and environmental destination . This can “eat ” cartridge line is Shanghai Jinqiao Industrial Waste Management Co., Ltd. waste toner cartridge handling system. Its backing is not small, according to reports, it is the first independent research and development of waste toner cartridges automated disposal system, a member of the e-waste recycling project. Huang Chen, general manager of the company told reporters that in accordance with the design capabilities, this system can “eat ” 40 tons of toner cartridges, but now they are facing “not enough ” embarrassment - since mid-October last year Installation and commissioning has been completed, the current cumulative processing cartridge only 30 tons. Another member of the e-waste recycling project - e-waste dismantling system also fell into the “food shortage” dilemma. In this system, the collected electronic waste such as computers, scanners and copiers is disassembled into the fine-disassembly assembly line after being disassembled by the shell. Professionals unload electronic components such as ICs, resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors and the like on the circuit board Under the test again after the sale of qualified. Non-recyclable scrap will also be decontaminated. However, since the e-waste dismantling system, which turned waste into treasure, has so far removed only 180 tons of various types of e-waste since it was put into operation last June, it is also significantly lower than its handling capacity. Several e-waste “Scavenger ” met “enough to eat ” This stumbling block, is it in short supply of electronic waste in Shanghai? Reporters with doubts opened the “Statistical Manual of Pudong New Area in 2005” , They saw such a set of figures: the total number of urban households in Pudong New Area in 2004 was 667,200, with an annual output of 598,400 wasted household appliances, generating 202,400 discarded computers,
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