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此次金融危机导致全球经济发展放缓,部分国家和地区甚至出现了倒退和萧条,多数行业受到了严重影响,矿业也不例外。金融危机导致矿产品价格暴跌,很多企业出现资金链断裂。从目前形势分析,国内铝、锌产业是受金融危机影响最大的领域,生产经营已经陷入困境,处于全行业亏损状态。铁矿石现货价格已经进入了下降通道,2008年10月中旬印度矿下跌至85美元/吨以下,比2008年3月最高点下跌60%,7年来国际铁矿石现货价格首次低于长期合同价格。 The financial crisis led to the global economic slowdown, some countries and regions even had a regression and depression, most of the industries have been severely affected, mining is no exception. Financial crisis led to the plunge in mineral prices, many companies have broken the funding chain. From the current situation analysis, the domestic aluminum and zinc industries are the areas most affected by the financial crisis. Production and operation have been in a dilemma and are at a loss to the whole industry. The spot price of iron ore has entered a downward spiral. In mid-October 2008, the Indian mine dropped below 85 USD / ton, down 60% from its peak in March 2008. For the first time in 7 years, the international spot price of iron ore was below the long-term contract price.
使用低能量He-Ne激光血管内照射(ILIB)治疗脑血管病(CVD)45 例。治疗前和疗程结束后,均进行血液流变学指标和胆固醇(ch)、甘油三脂(TG) 及纤维蛋白原(Fib)等测定。结果表明:ILIB治疗CVD确能使ηbH、ηvL、RV、ηp及 Fib明显下降(p<0.01-0.001)
近期钢铁企业仍将处在严峻的市场困境中从2008年11月13日热轧卷板市场价格跌到2800元/吨的低谷后,伴随着低库存等诸多有利条件, The recent steel industry will remain in
思想政治工作 ,是我们党的优良传统和政治优势 ,是我党我军的胜利法宝。历史经验反复证明 ,思想政治工作是做好经济工作和完成其他各项任务的重要保证。无论是在战争年代 ,还
According to domestic media reports, by January 14, 2009, CPI’s 3.5-billion-yuan investment in QTXAL had been secured, which consists of 1 According to domest
Recently China National Gold Group Corpora- tion’s Wunugetushan Cu-Mo Deposit Project in Xinyouqi succeeded in no-load linkage trial- running.That marks the pr
Auto-ignition and heat release correlations for controlled auto-ignition(CAI)combustion were derived from extensive in-cylinder pressure data of a four-stroke g
阿米巴性肝脓肿很常见,因为有确实有效的抗阿米巴药可用,所以一般不难治愈。但有少数病例,即使积极治疗,也难以奏效,病程迁延或反复发作。Gregory 曾报道过这样的1例,并称之