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海域深水沉积体系识别描述及有利储层预测技术有效规避勘探风险面对丰富的深海油气资源,世界众多国家和公司投入巨资进行深水油气勘探开发,但如何有效规避勘探风险,是深水油气勘探开发研究面临的重要挑战。美国多家大学及机构通过科技攻关,解决了深水沉积研究的难题,建立了深水沉积体系识别描述及有利储层预测技术,有效发挥了规避勘探风险的作用。研究通过综合运用高分辨率层序地层学、三维地震、电磁测量、遥感、测井、钻井、地质露头和试验以及地质-地震建模等多种技术方法,分析深水沉积作用过程、沉积环境和沉积产物,识别沉积体系的类型、分布,了解浊流、块状流、碎屑流等流体的形成机制,明确水下扇重要砂体储层的形成机理、控制因素和分布特点及油气聚集关系,建立深水沉积体系储层的地质模型,实现了深水砂岩储 Deepwater Sedimentary System Identification and Benefit Reservoir Prediction Technology in Eolian Sea Efficiently Avoid Exploration Risks Faced with abundant deep-sea oil and gas resources, many countries and companies in the world have invested heavily in exploration and development of deep-water oil and gas. However, how to effectively avoid exploration risks is an important aspect of deepwater oil and gas exploration and development Study important challenges facing. Many universities and institutions in the United States solved the problems of deepwater sediment research through scientific and technological research, established the identification and description of deepwater sedimentary systems and the prediction technology of favorable reservoirs, and effectively played the role of avoiding exploration risks. The research analyzes the process of sedimentation in deep water, the sedimentary environment and the environment by comprehensively using various techniques such as high-resolution sequence stratigraphy, 3D seismic, electromagnetic surveying, remote sensing, logging, drilling, geological outcrop and test, and geo- Sedimentary products, identify the type and distribution of sedimentary system, understand the formation mechanism of fluid such as turbidity, massive flow and debris flow, clarify the formation mechanism, controlling factors, distribution characteristics and hydrocarbon accumulation of important submarine fan sand bodies , The establishment of geological model of deep-water sedimentary system reservoir, to achieve deep-water sandstone reservoir
本文介绍了图书馆2.0的定义和常用技术,通过大量实例,重点探讨了图书馆2.0在图书馆网站中的应用,并分析了其中应注意的问题。 This paper introduces the definition and co
烟台芝采岛集团有限公司岛海有喂生物科技有限公司,现下设“烟台芝采烟台市芝果岛置业司”、“烟台市芝罘岛置业有限公司”“烟台市芝罘岛物业管理有限公司” Yantai Chi-ka
A series of phosphorus-modified PITQ-13 catalysts was prepared by wet impregnation of NH4H2PO4solution into an HITQ-13 parent. The catalysts were characterized