
来源 :润滑与密封 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:andytong0123
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设备润滑管理是维护和保持设备正常安全运转的重要管理内容之一,但往往被一些企业领导和操作者所忽视。这是由于对设备润滑管理存在着几种错误认识: 1.“润滑的目的就是使设备运行快”:润滑是把具有润滑性质的物质加到相互运动的摩擦副中,以填平凸凹处,并保持一定的油膜,将两个接触面隔开,达到降低摩擦和减少磨损的作用,同时,起着冷却和密封的作用,其目的是减少设备运转故障,提高生产率和经济效益。 2.“润滑就是加油”:应按照设备的加油部位、加油周期、加油量、加油方法和使用的润滑剂、定时加油,并不是一劳永逸。对操作者和机修工人要提出各项基本要求,并不是简单的加些油就行了。 3.“加油多多益善”:这是不科学的,一台设备设计时就严格的规定了它的加油量,机修工和操作者应根据使用说明书和日常的油尺、视镜等,所观察到的情况,加、补润滑油,在设备实际运行中,如果加的油多了,反而起到副作用。如给滚动轴承加脂时,必须要注意不要把轴承腔内全部填满,这样会使轴承运转的阻力增大,容易发热,一 Equipment lubrication management is to maintain and maintain the normal operation of equipment, one of the important management content, but often overlooked by some business leaders and operators. This is due to several misunderstandings of equipment lubrication management: 1. “The purpose of lubrication is to make the equipment run fast”: Lubrication is the addition of substances of a lubricating nature to the reciprocating friction pairs to fill the reliefs, And maintain a certain film, the two contact surfaces separated to achieve the role of reducing friction and reduce wear, while cooling and sealing play the role of its purpose is to reduce equipment failure, improve productivity and economic benefits. 2. “Lubrication is fueling”: It should not be done once and for all, according to the refueling position, refueling cycle, refueling volume, refueling method and lubricant used. It is not simply to add some oil to the operators and mechanics to set forth the basic requirements. 3. “Refuel more and more good”: This is unscientific, a device designed to strictly regulate its fueling, mechanics and operators should be based on operating instructions and daily dipstick, sight glass, etc., was observed The situation, plus, make up lubricating oil, in the actual operation of the equipment, if more oil added, but played a side effect. As for the rolling bearing grease, we must pay attention not to fill all the bearing cavity, it will increase the resistance of the bearing operation, easy to heat, a
 临床资料本文旨在探讨赛若金对轮状病毒性肠炎的疗效。我们将患者分为观察组和对照组 (均为 2 0例 )进行对比治疗。二组患者均有起病急、发热、呕吐、腹泻 ,伴有咳嗽、流涕