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12年前,因为编写了一本用外国音乐主题改编的钢琴曲集,何少英加入了人民音乐出版社的编制,从教师成为了一名编辑。同时,何少英还是一位当代中国非常具有创作实力的作曲家,积累了颇多的创作成果,在他的作品中不乏在海内外作曲比赛中获奖作品。作为编辑,何少英编辑出版了大量的钢琴乐谱,为钢琴学习者乃至专业音乐工作者提供了数目可观的经典文献;作为钢琴教育工作者,他集多年的教学经验,编订出版了一系列钢琴教材,他在教学中极为重视学生对复调音乐和中国作品的驾驭能力,也呼吁钢琴教师们能够多探索、发现新的教学理念和方法;作为作曲家,他认真学习、探索20世纪作曲技法,面对当前国内乃至世界专业音乐创作中重技术轻思想的倾向,他又大声疾呼“不要将音乐淹没在作曲技术中”,他的音乐扎根于民族民间音乐当中,将中国音乐的民族性给予艺术的升华。 12 years ago, because of the compilation of a piano album adapted from the theme of foreign music, He Shaoyin joined the compilation of the People’s Music Publishing House and became an editor from the teacher. At the same time, He Shaoying is still a very creative composer in contemporary China and has accumulated a great deal of creative achievements. Among his works, there are many winning works in the composition competition at home and abroad. As an editor, He Shaoying edited and published a large number of piano scores, providing a great number of classical literature for piano learners and even professional musicians. As a piano educator, he collected many years of teaching experience and compiled and published a series of piano textbooks. He attached great importance to students’ ability to control polyphony and Chinese works in teaching. He also urged piano teachers to explore and discover new teaching ideas and methods. As a composer, he studied and explored the techniques of composition in the 20th century in detail. He tends to emphasize “not to submerge music in the composing technique” toward the tendency of heavy technical light thinking in the current domestic and even world professional music creation. His music is rooted in the national folk music and gives the sublimation of the nationality of Chinese music to art .
演示实验,培养学生的观察能力;边讲边实验,培养学生的理解能力;学生动手实验,培养学生的实验技能;家庭实验,培养学生的创造能力。 Demonstration experiments to develop st