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第一条区各界人民代表会议,由区人民政府(区公所)召集之。第二条凡反对帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义,赞成中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领,年满十八岁之人民,除患精神病及被褫夺公权者外,不分民族、阶级、性别、信仰,均得当选为其所在区各界人民代表会议的代表。第三条区各界人民代表会议的代表名额,依各区人口多寡而定,但一般不得超过二百名。第四条区各界人民代表会议代表的产生及代表名额的分配,由区人民政府(区公所)邀集各该区内的人民团体等代表组成筹备委员会或由区协商委员会商定,经市人民政府批准之。区人民政府(区公所)的代表,由正副区长、公安分局正副局长及区人民政府各科科长等充任之。该区内各人民团体、各机关、各学校、驻军的代表,由各该团体、机关、学校、驻军自行选派之。不属于上列组织的街道居民代表,由街道 The people’s congress of all walks of life in the first section shall be convened by the district people’s government (district office). Article 2 Those who are opposed to imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism and agree to the common program of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and whose people are over the age of eighteen are free of any nationality, class or gender , Beliefs, have been elected as representatives of people’s deputies from all walks of life in their respective districts. Article 3 The deputies to people’s congresses and deputies from all walks of life in the three districts shall be different depending on the size of the population in each district, but generally not exceed 200. Article 4 The people’s government of all districts (district offices) shall invite the representatives of people’s organizations and other representatives in the district to form a preparatory committee or be agreed upon by the district consultation committee and approved by the municipal people’s government It District People’s Government (District Office) representatives, by the deputy mayor, deputy director of the Public Security Bureau and District People’s Government chiefs and other sections of the charge. The representatives of various people’s organizations, organs, schools and garrisons in the area are selected by the respective bodies, organs, schools and garrisons themselves. Street representatives who do not belong to the above organizations
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