对外贸易实务运作系列讲座之一 海关报关实务——进出口货物的注册、备案制度

来源 :世界机电经贸信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shahua001
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为满足外贸公司、自营出口企业在进出口贸易实际操作中的业务需要,我刊从本期开始在“经贸实务”栏目中连续刊登《对外贸易实务运作系列讲座》,讲座将以进出口贸易全过程为主线,比较详细系统地介绍外贸实务的基本知识和操作过程。内容涉及贸易谈判、合同履行、运输、商检、保险、支付、仲裁等具体实务运作过程中的方方面面,以及业务人员在与运输公司、保险公司、银行、商检局、海关、仲裁机构、政府机构以及与外商打交道过程中的实际问题及注意事项。讲座将分“海关报关实务”、“对外贸易交易磋商”、“对外贸易合同及履行”、“对外贸易出运程序”、“进出口商品检验”、“对外贸易保险”等几个主题进行。 海关通关是对外贸易运作中不可缺少的一个重要环节。这一讲我们根据国家颁布的最新海关法规文件,吸收当前海关工作中新的做法,着重介绍外经贸企业业务人员在进出口货物通关过程中所应了解的基本程序、基本知识和一般的通关手续。 In order to meet the business needs of foreign trade companies and self-export companies in the actual operation of import and export trade, we will publish a series of “Lessons on Foreign Trade Practice Series” in the column of “Economic and Trade Practices” from this issue. The lecture will be based on import and export trade. The whole process is the main line and introduces the basic knowledge and operation process of foreign trade practice in a more detailed and systematic way. The content covers all aspects of the practical operation of trade negotiations, contract implementation, transportation, commodity inspection, insurance, payment, arbitration, and other operations, as well as business personnel and transport companies, insurance companies, banks, commodity inspection bureaus, customs, arbitration agencies, government agencies, and Practical issues and precautions in dealing with foreign investors. The lecture will be divided into several topics: “customs customs declaration practice”, “consultation on foreign trade transactions”, “foreign trade contract and performance”, “foreign trade shipment procedures”, “import and export commodity inspection”, “foreign trade insurance” and other topics. Customs clearance is an indispensable part of foreign trade operations. According to the latest customs regulations and documents promulgated by the State, we will absorb new practices in the current customs work and focus on introducing the basic procedures, basic knowledge, and general customs clearance procedures for foreign trade and economic company business personnel in the process of customs clearance of imports and exports of goods. .
广告语言应要求准确、鲜明、生动,便于记 忆又浅显易懂。眼下,各种传媒中的广告,小到吃 穿用行,大至招商引资,可谓包罗万象。这些广告中成语广告不少:“咳”不容缓(药品)、
ITMA ASIA+CITME2008象是个众星云集的赛场,一个展馆综合一种工艺,一个工艺吸引众多厂商参与,相同的目标,不同的产品特点,使得展馆变成了一个没有硝烟的战场。在W3馆,汇集了
阳︸徽斌援霖母亲@张莹萍$江西泰和县冠朝中学初二(1)班 Yang } Hui Bin, Lin Lin’s mother @ Zhang Yingping, Guanxi Junior High School, Taihe County, Jiangxi Province
三、采取“临时”与“边境”两种措施的程序 协议并未明文允许司法当局“依职权”主动采取暂时措施。协议强调了司法当局在有关利害关系人提出请求后,可以“依请求”而采取