Our team a wide range of weeds, there are mainly said grasses, Matang, bald Echinacea, Asteraceae thistle, Amaranthus wild amaranth, Malvaceae wild jute, Commelina communis Compositae, Cyperaceae Aconite et al., To Erythrocyte, said if, Commelina endanger the most fierce. Peanuts are often due to grassland waste per acre only received a few pounds, sugarcane seedling shortage of grass, seedling slender, tiller reduction, resulting in reduced production. Two crops in normal years need to weeding 2-3 acres per acre, severe grass shortage to be increased to 4-5 workers. In 1974, we succeeded in applying chemical herbicides to paddy fields. We also tried herbicides on dryland crops and made improvements in application methods. In the past, dry weeds chemical weeding, conventional poison soil and spray two kinds of application methods. Both of these methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. Poisonous soil method is convenient for application, but the distribution of medicament is not easy to be uniform, the effect of weeding is not ideal, the effect of spray method is good,