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为探讨薇菜大田丰产栽培技术,以期指导林农不断提高栽培效益,以薇菜孢子萌发培育的种蔸以及采挖自大老岭自然保护区的野生种蔸为实验材料,运用常规林业试验设计方法,先后开展了孢子萌发培育种蔸最优栽培措施田间试验、孢子萌发培育种蔸和野生种蔸生长对比试验以及不同田间施肥措施对薇菜产量的影响试验研究,主要研究结果如下:1薇菜孢子萌发最佳因素组合为腐殖土、苗床架播种方式、播孢量1 g/m~2.其中,播孢量对于薇菜孢子萌发影响最大.薇菜孢子的平均萌发率为64.2%,最佳组合达到72.7%.2薇菜孢子幼苗生长的最佳因素组合为腐殖土、苗床播种方式、播孢量2 g/m~2.其中,播孢量对薇菜孢子幼苗生长的影响最大.薇菜孢子幼苗平均出苗量为632株/m~2,最佳水平达到736株/m~2,实现了薇菜孢子培育种蔸工厂化育苗.3随着苗龄的增长,多个试验指标均表明薇菜孢子苗的整体生长势要强于野生苗.从丰产最核心的产量指标来看,野生苗总体上产量增长平缓、缺乏后劲,不利于林农长期种植创收;而孢子苗随着苗龄的增长产量增长迅猛,苗龄在10年以上的孢子苗产量均高于野生苗,12年生孢子苗单位面积(1 m~2)年产量比传统野生苗要高21.4%.4从不同施肥措施对于薇菜产量的影响来看,施用氮肥150 kg/hm~2或厩肥15 000 kg/hm~2效果最佳,平均每公顷年产薇菜干重达到720 kg以上;而当施肥量过多时反而不利于薇菜产量的增长. In order to explore the high-yielding cultivation techniques in the field of Osmunda plantation, in order to guide the farmers to continuously improve the cultivation efficiency, the species of Osmanthus fragrans developed by spores germination and the wild species collected from Dalaoling Nature Reserve were used as experimental materials. , The spore germination and breeding has been carried out the best cultivation methods field trials, spore germination breeding and breeding of wild species of growth and contrast test and field fertilization measures on the production of testbench yield, the main findings are as follows: 1 Wei Wei The best combination of spore germination was humus soil and seedbed frame sowing method with the spore yield of 1 g / m ~ 2, of which the spore-spore yield had the most significant effect on the spore germination of Vicia faba. The average spore germination rate was 64.2% The best combination reached 72.7% .2 The best combination of the growth of Vicia faba seedlings was humus soil seedbed sowing method, the amount of 2 g / m ~ The average seedling emergence rate was 632 plants / m ~ 2 and the optimum level reached 736 plants / m ~ 2, which realized the breeding of seedlings of Osmunda przewalskii spores.3 As the seedling age increased, The test indicators show Vicia faba The overall growth potential of seedlings is stronger than that of wild seedlings.From the core yield indicators of high yield, the overall growth of wild seedlings is generally flat, lack of stamina, is not conducive to long-term planting farmers income; spore seedlings grow rapidly with increasing seedling yield rapid growth , The spore seedlings with seedling age more than 10 years were higher than the wild seedlings, the annual yield of 12-year spore seedlings was 21.4% higher than that of the traditional wild seedlings.4 From the different fertilization measures, Effect, 150 kg / hm ~ 2 nitrogen fertilizer or 15 000 kg / hm ~ 2 manure best results, with an average annual dry weight per hectare Osabeers reached 720 kg or more; and when the amount of fertilizer is too much but not conducive to Osmunda japonica Production growth.
由国际水电协会(IHA, International Hydropower Association)组织有关专家研究制定的《可持续水电开发指南》(Sustainability Guidelins,以下简称《指南》),以及在其基础上编制的