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近年来,我一再主张中国画应该区分不同体式进行教学,这是建立在中国画现实之上的教育理念。中国画在20世纪至今的一百多年里,已经由于西画的潜移默化和有意引进结合而分化成现代文人画、现代院体画、现代派中国画及其交叉、边缘多种体式,它们深刻地影响着中国画教育。前八十来年国画师资结构比较单一,影响还不是太明显;后二十多年来,办学规模和教师队伍扩大,师资 In recent years, I have repeatedly advocated that Chinese painting should distinguish different forms of teaching, which is an educational philosophy based on the reality of Chinese painting. For more than one hundred years from the 20th century to the present, Chinese painting has been divided into modern literati painting, modern Chinese painting, modern Chinese painting and its crossover and marginalization due to the subtle and intentional introduction of western painting. Chinese painting education. The first eight decades of Chinese painting teacher structure is relatively simple, the impact is not too obvious; after more than two decades, the scale of running a school and the expansion of teaching staff, teachers
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