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南岭九龙脑矿田淘锡坑钨矿是赣南地区典型的石英脉型黑钨矿床,受断裂构造与花岗岩体控制。本文通过8个中段坑道填图,结合地表钻和坑内钻揭露,对含矿石英脉、矿脉组、矿体以及成矿花岗岩体的几何形态、结构构造进行仔细观测,统计矿脉及成矿后断裂产状并进行构造解析。淘锡坑黑钨矿石英脉矿体整体呈平直长板状,具有尖灭侧现,单脉之间以左行斜列为主,而矿脉组呈菱形网格状排列等特征;花岗岩体呈矩形块状、阶梯状。岩突以顶蚀和岩墙扩展两种方式由南东向北西侵位。矿床为多期多阶段的成岩成矿,断裂对花岗岩的侵位与成矿起到主导控制作用。本文综合分析并构建了淘锡坑钨矿构造-岩浆的成矿演化模式,即区域构造应力作用生成共轭断裂构造网格体系,然后岩浆侵位上拱被共轭断裂切割的“几何体”围岩移位而侵位,并沿共轭断裂体系内充填云英岩脉、含矿石英脉体,完成一次成岩成矿作用;区域构造再次活动使围岩与花岗岩体发生断裂,并再次诱导岩浆侵位,在早期花岗岩体和围岩内断裂中形成矿体和云英岩脉体,从而形成内带和外带含矿石英脉;成岩成矿后区域构造小规模错动、破坏岩脉与矿脉,但未改变岩脉矿脉的整体展布。 Nanling Jiulongtao Xingxikeng Tungsten Mine is a typical quartz vein type tungsten-tungsten deposit in southern Jiangxi Province, controlled by the fault structure and granite body. In this paper, 8 middle tunnels are used to map and map the geometry and structure of the vein-bearing veins, veins, ore bodies and granitoids. Appearance and structure analysis. The ore vein of the Taoxikeng wolframite vein is flat and long plate, with pinnacles and laterals present. The main line between the single veins is the left ramp and the vein groups are rhombic. The granite body Rectangular block, staircase. The rock bursts are eclipsed from south to east to northwest in two ways: erosional and dikes. The deposit is multi-stage and multi-stage diagenetic mineralization, and the fracture plays a dominant role in granite emplacement and mineralization. This paper comprehensively analyzes and constructs the ore-forming evolutionary model of the Taoxikeng tungsten deposit tectonic-magma, that is, the regional tectonic stress generated conjugate fracture structural grid system, and then the magma emplacement arch conjugate fracture cutting “geometry ”Surrounding rocks were displaced and invaded, and the Yuning dikes and ore-bearing quartz veins were filled into the conjugated fault system to complete a diagenesis and mineralization. The regional tectonics reactivated the surrounding rock and granite bodies to fracture and again Inducing magma emplacement and forming ore bodies and veins of the veins in the early granite bodies and faults in the surrounding rock, forming the inner belt and the outer belt with ore-bearing quartz veins. After the diagenesis and mineralization, the small-scale dislocation and damaging rock Veins and veins, but did not change the overall distribution of veins.
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本文使用Ansoft公司微波电路CAD软件Serenade,设计了智能天线实验系统接收端的高IP3低噪声放大器(LNA),设计采用西门子硅锗晶体管SiGe BFP520.文中着重对提高电路的线性度和
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