
来源 :江西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:accphailan
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我县今年早中稻生产,由于各级领导的重视,自去冬以来,就结合了互助合作运动与粮食统购统销,大力进行了春耕生产的各项具体准备,入春以后,开展了以互助合作为中心的农业生产运动,经过一年来的艰苦努力,全县绝大多数地区早稻生产都获丰收,特别是合作社、互助组更为显著,其具体表现在:一、执行计划情况:我县是一个山区气候较冷的地带,农业生产一向都以早晚稻为主,中稻除三变计划以外似乎没有,因此我县今年生产仍按实际情况出发,中稻尚未进行栽培,早稻生产,五四 As early as mid-term rice production in our county this year, due to the great attention paid by the leaders at all levels, since the winter, the county has carried out various concrete preparations for the production of spring plow with the help of the mutual aid and cooperation movement and the state monopoly of purchasing and purchasing of grain. After the spring, As the center of the agricultural production movement, after a year of hard work, most of the county early rice production has been bumper harvest, especially cooperatives, mutual aid group is more significant, its specific performance in: First, the implementation plan: I County is a In areas with colder climates, agricultural production has always been dominated by early and late rice. However, there appears to be no other than mid-to-late three-variable plan. Therefore, the production in this county will still proceed according to the actual conditions this year. Medium rice has not yet been cultivated. Early rice production,
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一九五五年五月四日(55)會水字第○○五號目前汛期將到,为了作好防汛工作,保障生產建設和人民生命財產的安全,特別是保障沿江濱湖地區農業生產的順利進行,本 May 4, 1955 (
1 概述 随着计算机技术、通讯技术和控制技术的飞跃发展,特别是随着“无人值班,少人职守”这一控制模式的提出,水利枢纽的自动控制迫切要求科研单位、生产厂家能够设计生产
各位同志、各位專家、教授: 今天能召開全国性的农业生产会议,我感到十分興奮愉快。全国人民解放战争已取得了基本上的勝利,勝利给我們带来興奋、带来光明和幸福,同时也给我
驚蟄已過,春分卽至,春耕生產的緊張季節已經到了。三月三日國務院全體會議第六次會議通過了‘關於春耕生產的决議’, 决議指出:“……現在春耕季節已經到來,及時做好春耕工