Nonlinear Absorption and Dispersion Response in Optically Dense Media Driven by a Single-Mode Laser

来源 :理论物理通讯:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zel0088
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The teleportation of an arbitrary n-particle state is proposed when n pairs of entangled particles are utilized as quantum channels. It can be successfully real
We present the analogous inequalities of Bell's inequality for N-qubit system predicted respectively by realistic theory, quantum mechanics, local theory, l
With the help of an extended mapping approach, a new type of variable separation excitation with three arbitrary functions of the (2+1)-dimensional dispersive l
We construct efficient quantum logic network for probabilistic cloning the quantum states used in imple mented tasks for which cloning provides some enhancement
介绍了集成Baidu地图API与腾讯地图API,利用腾讯地图的Web服务在线获取特定区域的POI数据,并根据这些数据进行解析得到点群信息,在Internet环境下基于Monotone Chain算法分析点集产生凸包(包围点群最小的凸外壳),并将结果绘制在Web电子地图中,用之作为空间地理信息的挖掘及知识发现作准备。此算法总的时间复杂度是O(n log n)。
<正> 千淘万漉更辛苦, 吹尽狂沙始到金。 引自刘禹锡《浪淘沙》 燕语呢喃时节。 古都咸阳,1993年春天。 一条消息从南方飞来,南京订货会上,咸阳洁净制品厂生产的高级洁净巾再爆冷门,一次签订供货合同200万元。 此刻,正在办公室听取汇报的中共咸阳市委书记李锦江,按捺不住内心的兴奋,一下子从沙发上弹了起来,快步走上前去,一把握住刚从门口闪进的一位青年的手。一股浓浓的喜悦气氛在屋子里弥漫开来。看到自己扶植的民办科研企业终于有了出头之日,李书记由衷地表示祝贺。一边看着小伙子欣喜而略显疲惫的脸庞,
A form invariance of Raitzin&#39;s canonical equations of relativistic mechanical system is studied. First, the Raitzin&#39;s canonical equations of the system