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水平井是通过扩大油层泄油面积,提高油井产量,改善油田开发效果的一项钻、完井技术。水平井技术于1928年起源于国外,八十年代开始工业化推广应用,主要应用在薄油层、块状稠油油藏、天然裂缝型油藏、边底水油藏等四种类型油藏的开发中。目前利用水平井开发薄油层在技术上是可行的,但如何利用现有的设备和技术来提高薄油层钻遇率是水平井技术应用面临的一个难题。以水平井技术推广应用为核心、以提高油井开发效果为目的,开展水平井综合配套技术研究与应用将成为辽河油田水平井发展的关键。 Horizontal wells are a well of drilling and completion technologies that extend the drainage area of ​​the reservoir, increase the productivity of the well and improve the performance of the field. Horizontal well technology originated in foreign countries in 1928 and began to be popularized and applied in the industrialization in the 1980s. It is mainly used in the development of four types of reservoirs, such as thin oil reservoirs, massive oil reservoirs, natural fractured reservoirs and edge water reservoirs in. At present, it is technically feasible to develop thin oil reservoirs with horizontal wells. However, how to utilize the existing equipment and technologies to improve the drilling rate of thin oil reservoirs is a difficult problem in the application of horizontal wells. Taking the horizontal well technology popularization and application as the core, the research and application of horizontal well integrated supporting technology will become the key to the development of horizontal well in Liaohe Oilfield for the purpose of improving the effect of oil well development.
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