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  摘 要:本論文提出初中口语课堂中词汇教学的具体步骤,一些应用交际法的普遍问题被加以分析,以便找出可能的解决方法。英文视频在交际法的应用方面存在优势,因此人们意识到它可以作为辅助交际法应用的一种教学道具。
  1 Introduction
  English videos with its advantages in many aspects,for instance,relating language to social context,has drawn attention of many scholars to make researches on its application in English teaching.The thesis is to analyse the application of the communicative approach in junior high school speaking class for vocabulary teaching by the use of English videos.
  2 Theoretical Basis
  2.1 The communicative approach
  The communicative approach is proposed by D.A.Wilkins,H.G.Widdowson,and L.G.Alexander.It is an approach which emphasizes that the goal of language learning is communicative competence.
  2.2 The theory of psychology on attention
  Atkinson and Hilgard proposed the theory of attention in Introduction to psychology.The theory is about the relationship between memory and attention.It is believed that people can hardly memorize the nonattended information,which means the information without special attention by human can be tough to memorize.
  2.3 The theory of mirror system
  The relevant theories of mirror system that are from numbers of scientists are collected in From Action to Language via the Mirror Neuron System by Micheal A.Arbib.One of the theories is that while watching and listening to interesting audiovisually presented stories containing naturally accompanying head,eyebrow,and mouth movements the dorsal streams are active to a much greater extent than listening to the same stories presented in the auditory alone.
  3 The Analysis of the Application of English videos in Communicative Vocabulary Teaching in Junior High School Speaking Class
  3.1 The definition of English videos in the thesis
  The English videos in the thesis are defined as the following: the videos of which the character’s language is English and English pronounced by Americans or British,in which the character talk for communication,include films,TV programs,animations,etc.
  3.2 The advantages of the application of English videos in communicative vocabulary teaching in junior high school speaking class
  3.2.1 The original feature of the language usage in English videos
  The language use in English videos can be more original than Chinese teachers’.Especially from the perspective of stress,intonation and pronunciation.Although there is no standard English,the native speaker’s English is what is called English.   3.2.2 The feature of multisensory context in English videos
  According to Skipper and other scientists in Listening to talking faces: motor cortical activation during speech perception,“While watching and listening to interesting audiovisually presented stories containing naturally accompanying head,eyebrow,and mouth movements the dorsal streams are active to a much greater extent than listening to the same stories presented in the auditory alone.” It means that the multisensory model can be a stronger stimulus or input for students than unisensory one.Therefore,it is better to present language in a multisensory way to leave a stronger impression on students.
  3.2.3 The function of presenting language in communication
  In the English videos,the characters communicate with each other under many circumstances.Thus,the language is presented in communication.
  Language in communication is different from language in mind.It is not only correct,but also appropriate.According to H.G.Widdowson,knowing a language is having a knowledge of correct usage,while it has to be complimented by a knowledge of appropriate use.The videos can keep teachers from exhausting themselves to perform or present language in communication.
  3.2.4 The function of presenting language in context
  Although the class without videos can be regarded as a classroom context,it is not suitable to be regarded as some of contexts such as diagnosis that is more likely to happen in a hospital.However,in videos,different contexts are presented in a reasonable way,which is better for students’ understanding.
  4 Conclusion
  There are some advantages in application of English videos in junior high school speaking class for vocabulary teaching in the way of communicative approach.
  There is also implication for further study that the combination of the communicative approach with life science,such as psychology can bring new energy to the approach and make it more practical.
  [1]Atkinson,Hilgard.Atkinson & Hilgard’s Introduction to Psychology[M].Cengage Learning,2009.
  [2]袁枚.A Study on the Application of Communicative Approach in Junior English Vocabulary Teaching[D].內蒙古师范大学,2016.
  [3]赵冬妮.A Research of Application of Communicative Approach in Vocabulary Teaching in Junior High School[D].长春师范大学,2015.
摘 要:我们根据目前的实际情况来看,我们国家是比较重视学科核心素养中计算思维能力的培养,毕竟在2017版的普高信息技术课程当中就已经有了明显的说明,但是这方面的教学内容更强调的是程序设计的语法规则以及实际的应用,在其他的方面却是有一定不足的,比如在计算思维能力的培养这一方面。这篇文章主要是以高中程序设计课程为例,多方面(教育对象、教学内容、教学方式等)对学生们不足的这一能力来进行的培养策略,从而达
摘 要:“语言能力”是英语学科核心素养中的核心,主要是指在社会情境中借助语言进行理解和表达的能力。而从认知的角度来看,高中英语学习过程主要涉及语言理解和语言输出,听、说、读、写是英语学习的四种基本技能。写作作为一项输出技能在英语教学中占有十分重要的地位。写作教学既可以巩固学生已学过的语言知识,又能够充分培养和发展学生的“语言能力”。  关键词:“语言能力”;英语写作;书面表达;兴趣;对策;词汇积累
摘 要:现如今,在高中化学教学课堂,教师可以尝试运用分层教学模式,积极分析学生学习实际,通过分层教学制定良好的教学计划,帮助学生全面提高化学水平。本文基于有效的教学实践,总结了分层教学策略,希望分析能够为高中学生化学学习水平提高提供有效保证。  关键词:分层教学;高中化学教学;策略  1引言  分层教学是在素质教育的背景下产生的一种全新教学形式,在具体的教学实践中,根据学生的基礎和学习特点,对于学
摘要 在文化多元化以及全球化发展进程不断加快的大背景下青少年的思想道德教育成为全世界各国均十分关注的话题,而多元文化背景在一定的程度上调整着思想道德教育的思路和相关的策略,形成了一种新型的思想道德教育形式。大学生的思想道德教育工作一直都是各个高校教学工作者广泛关注的问题,是大学教学过程中一个至关重要的内容,而在多元文化背景下大学生思想道德教育的方式和方法应该有一定的改革和创新,更好的适应时代的需要
摘 要:新课改背景下对于初中历史教学提出了很多新的要求,要求教师在教学的过程中要不断地实现教学方法的转变和革新,借助于使用更多样化的教学方法来提升初中历史课堂的教学效果,同时在教学的过程中也要更加注重核心素养的培养。接下来,本文将结合核心素养的概念以及内容,探讨核心素养视野下初中历史教育的方法和措施。  关键词:核心素养;初中历史;历史;教育方法  一、引言  历史课程的核心素养主要包括语言表达能
摘 要:新课程教学特别强调学生学习方式的转变与多样化,倡导自主学习、探究学习、合作学习等学习方式。  关键词:教师;学生;探究;合作学习  回首这几年的新课程体制下课堂教学改革试验的教学历程,我深深体会到:学生的学习方式发生了根本性的变化,新的教学模式呼唤我们的教学要更多地关注学生。本文试着对学生学习方式——合作探究学习方面的认识与尝试作一回顾。  一、组织合作学习应遵循的原则  1.自主性原則 
摘要 由于我国传统文化以及教师职业自身的特殊性,导致近年来我国的教师岗位承受较多的压力,教师群体中普遍存在着工作压力大、超负荷、体力透支的现象,研究发现中小学教师普遍存在职业倦怠问题,特别是教师的情绪衰竭。因此,现阶段,帮助教师摆脱职业倦怠的困扰具有重要意义。本文首先对中小学教师职业倦怠问题的原因进行了研究,然后从教师自身、学校管理、社会等角度提出了业倦怠问题的应对策略,对教师职业发展的具有参考意
Persephin(PSPN)是胶质细胞源性神经营养因子中的一员,它能够促进神经组织的存活与分化。  目的:本实验的目的是评价PSPN基因修饰的骨髓间充质干细胞Lv-PSPN-MSCs对6-OHDA损